Chapter 8.

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It was the day after me and Chelle had the 'heart to heart' chat about everything. Even after the initial reveal, we sat there for a while just talking through the details of everything, just to make sure that I was DEFINITELY sure about what I had worked out. Michelle helped me, of course. She just couldn't help herself.

I sat on the sofa, with my brew, just day dreaming. I suppose the next thing I had to do was tell Peter he was going to be a dad again. Question is, how to I tell someone I have hardly spoken two words in a good 3 or 4 months, that he was going to be a dad. I sighed quietly to myself, still trying to work it all out. I was still in shock at how I was about 12 weeks pregnant and I didn't even know!

Then my phone started ringing, which pulled me out of my thoughts. I ignored it for a while. it soon stopped. It started to ring again.. I sighed, I guess I had to answer it, didn't I? I picked up my phone

-Hello?- I sighed.

-Oh! So she DOES answer!!- came Chelles reply. -You've not drove yourself mad by otherthinking then?!- She sighed too, audibly annoyed with me.

-No, just want some time on my own.. to work things out.. Look, if you want to come over, feel free! You'll just have to let yourself in.. I'm not coming to the door..- I told her how I felt... - I'm gonna go now... see you later. Maybe-

I put the phone down, and sighed to myself. What was I going to do? How was I going to tell Peter, and more importantly, how was I going to break the news to Nick? Of all people, the one person I wouldn't want to upset.

Half an hour later, I came to my senses, zoned back in and saw Michelle standing in front of me. -Earth to Carla! Is anyone home in that head of yours, or is it all just hot air?!- I could tell she was annoyed with me..

-What?- I looked at her. -Nick knows..- Talk about just coming out and saying it. -You what?- I sat bolt upright and ran my hands over my face. -Nick knows the baby isn't his.. he knows its Peter's- I let out a very loud very stressed sounding sigh. -What do I do now then?- I looked at her, I never really knew what to do in this sort of situation. -It's ok, don't stress yourself. He's okay with it. I spoke to him and talked it out with him. He got his anger out at me, so he wouldn't at you. I know what you're like when it comes to someone getting in your face and raising their voice-

I looked away. -He said there's no hard feelings, and he wishes you all the happiness you can have with Peter and the new baby- I was shocked that he said that, I thought he would have said he hated me and never wanted to see me again, clearly the brain injury had changed him a lot.


I just looked at Carla. She always knew how to get herself into a mess, and somehow, I was the one that had to help her get out of it again. I didn't realise I had zoned out for a while, when I zoned back in I saw Carla crying. CRYING. A thing not many people get to see. I instantly went over and cuddled her and kissed the top of her head. -Shh, it's ok. We'll work things out-

-Chelle?- She looked up at me.

-Yeah?- I looked down at her still stroking her hair slightly.

-Love you-

-I love you too beautiful- I smiled and kissed her head.

CARLA CONNOR - DADDY PROBLEMSWhere stories live. Discover now