Chapter 3.

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'HELP! SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE!' Nick came running around the corner from the bistro and noticed Carla's car.. and that she as in it. 'What, What happened?! Why did she crash her car..? W...' 'NICK! please will you just help her! before the car decides to blow up!' 

I watched Nick as pulled Carla's lifeless body from the wreckage of the car. I hated seeing her like this. I started to cry, I didn't know what to do. 


My god. there was so much blood. 

I checked to see if she was breathing. She wasn't. So I began CPR, while trying not to let the tears fall down my face. 'MICHELLE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!' I yelled back as i carried on with the CPR. 'I already have. what's happening with Carla?' 'She... She's not breathing' 

I was trying so so hard to keep the tears from falling down my face... How or when would I get the chance to tell her how much I love her if she died tonight? When she as like this, she always only thought of herself. If she was too stressed she would do stupid things. She wouldn't think about anyone else... Only herself. 

'Come on Carla!' I carried on the CPR and began to hear the sirens on the ambulances racing down the street.. I wasn't concentrating too hard on listening for them. I was concentrating, only, on getting Carla to breathe again. 'Sir.. Sir.. We can take over now...' Just as the paramedics brought me out of my trance and were ready to take over, she started to breathe.. 'CARLA!' I pushed past them and kissed her. I couldn't help myself. 'I'm sorry, whats your name?' 'My name? It's Nick' 'Ah, and my guess is this is Carla?' The paramedic asked referring to Carla. 'Yes' 'Ok, Thankyou' 

They started to check Carla over as I walked back over to Michelle. 


'Oh Nick!' I pulled him into a hug 'Thankyou!' 'No Problem. I knew I needed to help' I looked over as the paramedics were bandaging Carla up.

'Is she going to be okay?' I asked Nick as we both sat there in silence. 'Well, she's breathing, so that's a start.. She's in the best hands now' 

'Nick, Would you like to come with Carla in the ambulance?' I hears the paramedic ask Nick the question and he looked over at me. 'If you want to go, then go Nick. i'll follow in my car' 'Alright' He agreed and climbed up into the ambulance. 'I'll see you soon, ok?' I said to Carla as they got her into the ambulance as well. She smiled weakly at me. 'Don't go dying on me before I get to that hospital. Do you understand?' She squeezed my hand lightly and I knew that was her agreeing to my request. I fought back the tears and began walking over to my car as the ambulance started to drive away.


I looked at Carla and held her hand. She looked over at me. 'Now, Carla. I know that you can't answer me right now but I just wanted to let you know how much I care for you.. I could even say I love you... Carla Connor.' She started trying to get her oxygen mask off and we all began to worry, trying to get her to put it back on but she was fighting us back.. I left her to it. She took off her mask and began slightly gasping for air but she didn't seem to be in any trouble. 

'I.......L....ove.....Y....ou... Nick...' She smiled at me and put her oxygen mask back on as i began to let the tears fall down my face. As I stared into her beautiful eyes they began to close and the heart monitor began to get slower and slower 

'Carla?! No! NO!'

CARLA CONNOR - DADDY PROBLEMSWhere stories live. Discover now