10: The Mistake

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A/N: Still a flashback


They had developed a routine over the next few weeks.

That was good, Bruce loved routines.

Every day during yard time, the teen would wait until none of the guards were looking and quickly pass the Terror a bottle of water. Some days he’d tell the silent giant about a dream he’d had or something he’d seen that he thought was funny.

For his part, Miles would just stare at him. Try as he might, he couldn’t get used to that part of it.

Occasionally, the man would shift his body towards him, or clench his hands, and he would jump.

One day, as he was retrieving the bottle of water, someone grabbed his shoulder before he could get back outside. Letting out a startled yelp, he whipped around, half expecting to be attacked again.

Mildly relieved to see Camilla, he sighed. Of all the guards there, he was the only good one.

“Hello sir”

“I got good news and bad news, kid. Which do you want first?” Camilla asked.

Feeling a knot in his stomach, Bruce muttered, “Uh, good news first?”

That was a bad idea, bad first would have been better to lighten the blow, it was too late now.

He’s such an idiot. Worthless.

“You’re getting out.” Camilla said, a grin spreading across his tired face.

Bruce had the opposite reaction.

Blood draining from his face, he asked, “Wh-when?”

“Now,” Camilla said, oblivious to his anxiety.

“Here’s part two of the good news. All the charges against you have been dropped. So you’re free to go. Now… this is where the bad news comes in… Your father-”

“I can’t stay with him!” Bruce shouted, drawing several stares, he flushed.

“Is dead.” Camilla finished, looking slightly surprised by his reaction.

“Oh,” Bruce murmured, a strange feeling of relief washing over him.

He’s disgusting, how could he feel so good about this. But it didn’t stop the excitement from setting in, bringing a giddy smile to his face.

“Wait, so I’m really getting out today?”

Camilla laughed, slapping him on the back. “You got that right! Come on, let’s get your stuff and get your paperwork sorted.”

“Can I go say goodbye to-”

“No time kid, I’ve got stuff doing in ten minutes. Don’t want Wiep handling your case, do ya?” No, he didn’t.

His heart clenched as he followed the friendly guard towards his freedom.

Maybe he should go say goodbye and deal with Wiep. He shook the idea from his head and decided it wouldn’t matter.

He probably didn’t care anyway.


So I'm in my hometown now at my grandpa's funeral so the traveling thing is happening but surprisingly there's internet here so...

Yeah I feel stupid.

The picture above is of another project I'm working on.

On another note I have a tiktok @the_amarachi_anunwa

I upload things about my soon to be published book there so check that out if you want.


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