35: The Beginning Of The End

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Guys I'm sorry for the slow updates, I've just been studying very hard for my med school exams, college entrance exams, and school leaving exams which are literally crushing me. Good news! I have a 4.3 out of 4.0 gpa so I have a tiny edge to enter med school but the schools I chose are quite elite s I have to do my best to enter them. Other than that, Happy Reading and I probablywon't update till March 28. But I might update before then, who knows.

Happy Reading, have a wonderful day!


Bruce laughed softly and puffs of flour came from his curls. "Ok, ok another one. Why do chickens not like humans?"

Johnson shook his head but the large smile on his lips went no where. "~Because we eat them?~"

"Because we beat eggs!" Bruce burst into laughter, his cheeks glowed a soft pink, his brown eyes glistened, and he shone.

Bruce always shone, he was always bright and he always drew him in.

Johnson would never have guessed he'd like someone so bright. His darkest memory was very bright. Whenever he recalled his death, phantom flames licked at his skin and blinding gold light filled his vision.

Although that was all in the past, the fire might have killed him but he awakened far more powerful than he ever was before. He was now a protector of wild life and his death was worth it.

"~That was horrible.~" He signed, he wished he could talk but the fire took away his voice. Yes, most of his injuries were gone with his resurrection, not everything came back. But what he missed the most was his voice.

"I work super hard on these jokes, ok and— Y'know, my hair's getting too long, can you cut it?" Bruce was calm most times, but when he was excited he hopped from topic to topic so fast it gave him whiplash.


"Ok, where are those eggs, we are making eggcellent brownies today. Pour in the eggs while I whisk it please." Johnson obeyed, and his cheeks hurt from smiling so much. Bruce was the best person to have around, he always had something to talk about and he just knew, so much.

"Do you know 91% of people skip the first loaf of bread? Like what, it's not that bad! Rose always said I was gross for eating it and Miles always looked at me weird when I ate it." His face smoothed into a faint frown.

"~M i l e s?~" Bruce didn't look at him he just stirred the light brown batter.

"Is it weird I just want to eat this by the spoonful?" Bruce glanced at him, biting his lips a bit, making the soft flesh a bit red. "Wait, did you say something?"

"~Who is Miles?~" Bruce froze, his beautiful flush drained from his face even with the heat of the slowly pre heated oven. He heard Bruce mutter a 'shit' something he wouldn't have heard without his enhanced senses.

Was Miles someone he's still in contact with? Someone hiding in the camp? Was he a... Lover?

Johnson swallowed the lump forming in his throat, he hoped Bruce wasn't in a relationship with someone.

"He's um yeah an— an... old friend of mine? Yeah, an old friend of mine! I stayed with him for a bit before I had to leave." Bruce's voice lowered before he trailed off at the end. His eyes lost his shine and he began whisking in silence.

Johnson hated himself for bringing it up, and began picking up the dishes they didn't need any more and placed them into the sink. "Get the cocoa powder please." Bruce said after a while. Johnson dried off the last plate and got the blue bowl Bruce bloomed the cocoa powder in.

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