31: The Infiltration

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Cerin desperately clutched on to consciousness like a drowning man but he could barely hold his eyes open for more than five seconds. He coughed and hacked, his throat raw like sandpaper, and then cringed at the gold dust in his hand.

This was the end.

He was dying.



Miles has considered changing his preferred weapon of murder several times.

Maybe a gun or lead pipe would be more efficient in taking lives. It probably will be more efficient.

Miles quickly shook off the thought, his large chef's knife was a classic and there was something so rewarding about stabbing someone multiple times and then seeing the wife leave their eyes. It was almost intimate. And the high that came after it lasted longer than any other weapon.

Miles knew every single person he had killed, maybe not intimately but he remembered every single one of the 36 lives he had taken. This was mostly because he only actually planned on taking 5 lives.

His dad, his mum, his sister, his sister's boyfriend and his... Ugh, twin brother. Just the thought of his twin shot anger through him. He gripped the broom in his hands so tight it might snap as he thought about him.

Maybe he'd stop killing after he kills his twin and then hand himself to the authorities after? When the time comes, he'd know what to do. It was strange but he was absolutely sure once all members of his nuclear family were eradicated his bloodlust will be sated. He just knew.

Miles admired his work with a grunt as he analyzed the newly cleaned house. It was swept, mopped and dusted from head to toe. Because today was the day, after years of planning, stalking, scheming and failing, today was the day he'd take his brother's life.

Today was the day of victory.

Miles made some rice and curry and quietly ate at the empty dining table. While Bruce never ate with him, seeing that his mask was fully off during meals he always rambled endlessly from the living room. He stared at the rice and remembered the last time he ate rice while Bruce was around.

Bruce had stumbled upon a beauty pageant on TV and then began rambling on about the history of beauty standards and how evolution affects who we find attractive. Bruce had smiled widely at him once he left the kitchen and Miles remembered the little jump his heart did then.

Bruce had curled up in the black armchair he favored, in a large sweater and blue socks, an outfit that did things to Miles. His glasses were a bit askew in a way that made Miles' fingers twitch a bit as he fought himself from trying to fix it. Bruce's curls were all over the place, and his big brown eyes carried starlight which was illuminated by the bright flush on his cheeks.

Miles had been frozen at the doorway like a fool.

Because he was a fool. A fool for... him

Miles grunted and tugged on his mask. Its time to end this.


Miles had been stalking his brother long enough. He knew where and when security details were heaviest and the best way to get rid of them.

His brother was the head of a game developing company and always had two bodyguards on him. He wakes up by 6am, does some exercise for 30mins, takes a bath, dresses up, calls the chief of police to talk about any improvements in Miles' case, makes breakfast, eats breakfast, answers his eMails, waters the plants, goes to work, has a lunch break by 1.30pm, goes home by 4pm, takes a shower, has a chat with his long distance girlfriend, watches TV, cooks dinner, eats dinner, journals, prays, and goes to bed at 10.30.

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