34: The Countdown

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 34: The Countdown

Two weeks later


"Welcoming our new CEO!" Nuan announced as she walked into the lab. Frederick, Lily, Patrick and Harry began clapping as Petunia strode into the room. Petunia wore a beautiful blue blouse and a long black skirt, her strawberry blonde hair was in a beautiful French braid, her makeup was done light and her smile was as bright as the sun.

She was stunning.

Benedict sipped his 4th cup of coffee as he watched her bashfully take the compliments.

God, he was a bad friend.

He was a bit salty that the board decided she was a better person to run his own company, lest it detonates under his watch.

It doesn't matter, he's still doing the things he loves as the Head Engineer and she was practically running the company when he was CEO anyway it just hurts that she had only been CEO for two weeks and the company's stocks have risen by 39%. Of course investors would rather finance a company with a media darling as its face than misogynistic, alcoholic, asshole, Benedict Harris.

Benedict put down his mug and went up to his friend. She was laughing while being fussed over by Patrick and Lily. "How about a hug?" He smiled as widely as he could and opened his arms.

She launched into his arms and hugged him tightly. "How's the meeting with Einstein Inc?"

"Amazing!" She smiled widely and her bright eyes glittered. "They agreed to partner for the Diomium mining, can you believe it?!"

Wow, she did that in one meeting. He couldn't close that deal in two years, she was always the diplomatic one, the perfect one. He laughed and hoped the laugh wasn't as awkward as he felt it was.

"I've got that project to work on!" He announced, slid off his lab coat and sauntered out of the room. As he doors slid closed behind him he heard Patrick, Lily and Harry yell, "Bye Mr. Harris!"

When he entered the elevator he sighed, and his entire body slacked. Was he a bad person for being jealous of his best-friend? He was still making the same amount of money he was before, it even increased since Petunia became CEO. Was he as worthless as his father always said he was? He had been trained to be the CEO of Harris United since he was in diapers and Petunia just waltzed in and handled it all more perfectly than he ever did.

His PR team and the board were even scared if he'd take two steps toward his company it would detonate on sight.

The elevator doors slid open and he stepped into his pent house. "Aerglo, prepare my bath." He announced as he slid off his clothes.

"Already done sir."

"Ok," He said and got out his pajamas. He tried not to think about alcohol and popped open a can of Pepsi and headed to the bathroom.

He's going to change, he won't live like this any more, he'll reduce his alcohol intake, become less of an asshole, he'll change. If not for anyone else, he'll change for himself.

But he knows he's just bullshiting himself, sure he's made a bit of progress on going sober but for all his other toxic and unhealthy traits he'll try for three days and he'd go back to the former Benedict. Like the fuck up he is.

As he sunk into the bathtub, he found himself missing the burn alcohol had and the way his mind went fuzzy after some time. Nope, new train of thought, new train of thought. "Mr. Harris I have gathered some intel about Mr. Bernard." Aerglo said.

Benedict tilted his head, "Oh, well pull it up A ,we don't have all day."

"Okay sir."

Benedict sunk deeper into his tub as Aerglo relayed the information. "From what I've gathered from several security camera footage and E.M.P readings, I have deduced that Mr. Bernard might be at Camp Hedgehog, Michigan, U.S.A."

Benedict scrunched his nose, USA? Really? Of all the countries he had to pick the craziest one. "How long will it take me to get my jet and papers ready to get to Michigan?"

"About 3 days sir."

Benedict added and sunk more into his bath. Here he comes Bruce.

How didn't they find him all this time though...


~Tobias Ravine~

Tobias paced around the room, a cup of espresso in hand. What is this? What we're they missing? They had Bernard in America, how do they not still have him yet?

Tobias sipped the coffee then screamed. WHAT THE FUCK?! He launched the cup the wall, it was fucking cold!

The general ran his hand through his hair and pulled. What is this? What is this? WHAT IS THIS? whatisthis? WHATISTHIS?!


The general pushed all the papers off his desk and slammed the map tracing Bernard's movements on his desk. He stared at the paper and chewed on his lip. What we're they missing? They had to be missing something.

His children thought he was crazy, his officers thought he was crazy and he wasn't, he WASN'T! They're crazy, they don't see the potential such a weapon could hold, they don't understand. Let it go? They said, Let IT GO!

Maybe in the beginning when this all started he could have let it go but now, now it wasn't just about the potential Bernard has, it's personal. It's fucking personal because he has to prove to everyone, especially his daughter that he wasn't crazy.

Someone knocked. "Come in!" He yelled, eyes still glued to the map. Someone stepped into his office, they're wearing high heels. He assumes it's a woman, it has to be a woman. Everyone knows he doesn't allow those mentally ill men who fancy those women stuff work on his premises anyway.

The world today, it's so disgusting, men marrying men, women marrying women, people changing their gender! They'd have been burnt for less than that in his time. Things we're so much better in the old days.

Dorothy, his head scientist walked in and a look of disgust crossed her face. She sidestepped the mess and stood in front of him. He had glanced up for a while but at that moment he was still staring at the map in front of him.

Dorothy tapped his shoulder, with her smooth, long, slender fingers that were teasing him. She was teasing him now, wasn't she? The little whore. She was only good to look at, he had no doubts on how she got that 5.0gpa she was probably seducing all the professors on campus like all the female scientists did.

Everyone knew only men we're good at math and science, women we're far more suited for easy jobs like modeling, fashion designing and make-up artisting. Let them do their thing and the men would deal with the actual work, their brains can't handle it.

Tobias knew that the only reason women we're making advances in science was because they allowed them to work in STEM areas where they distracted the men from making those discoveries.

"Sir, we've found him."

"What!" How... How...! What, what did he miss?

"From the intel we've gathered we deduce Bernard is in Camp Hedgehog, Michigan." She said and placed the files in front of him. Tobias didn't bother picking up the file, he had no need to know how they found him, he just wanted to get Bernard.

"How long till we get there?" His fingers clacked on the mahogany table as he thought.

"Two days sir."

Okay then, in two days, Bruce would be in his clutches.

How didn't they find him all this time though?



Sorry this took so long it's just that this chapter is almost 5000 words so yeah.

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