Love at Frosch Sight

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Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet

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A certain re-quip mage is reaching for the green exceed from the infatuating grasps of the former avatar ruse, but the latter is quite adamant of the idea of letting it go.

"Get rid of that stupid smug on your face Gray, and give her to me," she tried to persuade with a menacing tone but to no avail, the raven haired mage is unshakable, "Go find your own," she answered in his too sweet to be true voice, "On second thought there's happy." "I won't be so chummy with that 'all I could think of is fish' neko," she said still trying to get a hold of the frog suit clad exceed. A small chuckle, escaped Gray's lips upon hearing his best friend's comment, "Sorry Erz, but this cutie is mine for the keeping," he stated. "What do you mean for the keeping, Fullbuster," an angry Saberthooth dragon slayer yelled as he and his twin walk towards the flocking Fairy Tail members, "Rogue-kun, where you've been," the green exceed happily greeted still settled in Gray's hands. "Yo!" Gray said acknowledging the presence of the twin dragons of Saber, "Hello Rogue, Sting," Erza smiled. "Hello Erza-san, Gray-san," Sting smiled back, which for some unknown reasons had made the unshakable Gray twitch. "So what does the twins of Saber doing here?" he asked, bits of hostility leaking. "I'll be fetching Frosch, thank you very much for taking care of him," Rogue glared at the raven haired mage. "Oh where are everyone?" Erza asked to no one in particular as she finally noticed that her guild mates are no where in sight. "I've heard they were going to the restaurant and celebrate," the blonde guild master answered, "Guess you two were too enthralled with Frosch that you fail to notice," he cheekily laughed at the two mage.

Steadily becoming as colorful as Erza's hair, the two Fairy Tail wizards, stiffly chuckled. Pulling the hem of Gray's pants and Erza's skirt, cute little Frosch urged the two to stoop to her level. Obliging, the two mages squat to be nearer to the exceed. With a smile on its face, Frosch pulled out two identical frog suits of the same color as hers and gave each to them, "I'm sorry Gray-san, Erza-san but Frosch is for Sabertooth because Frosch likes to stay with Rogue-kun," Frosch told them, "But Frosch want Gray-san and Erza-san to keep this so they would always remember Frosch." Tears started to gather on her hazel orbs, as Erza meekly accepted the pink frog suit that for some reasons is on her size. "How the hell would we forget you little fellow," Gray grinned patting Frosch's head and looking at his own frog suit. "Gray's right, Frosch is always welcome with us," Erza still trying to keep her tears away because of the sweet exceed, "You can ditch Rogue anytime to come and visit us," Gray said standing up and helping the lady beside him.

"What are you saying Fullbuster?" Rogue was about to throw some out-of-character feat but was immediately ceased by Sting, "Very well we'll be going now Erza-san, Natsu-san, please tell Natsu-san that he could keep the reward for the mission. Let's go Rogue," the Sabertooth guild master said taking the lead back to Saber guild.

Watching the four figures slowly diminish into view, both Gray and Erza looked at the frog suit or more like frog hoodie to them and let out a small chuckle. Re-quipping her Heart Kreauz armor off to reveal her white sleeveless blouse she gently put on the hoodie. Looking at her in that frog designed hooded jacket, a pink tinge crept on the Ice Mage's face. Raising her perfectly shaped eye brow, she gave a skeptic look, "Aren't you going to wear yours? You're naked by the way." Surprised that not only does his shirt is missing but also his pants had long been gone, "What the since when?" he let out an exasperated question intended to no one. "Knowing you," Erza shook her head and pick the pants on the ground before handing it to Gray, "Probably even before we started fighting." Grabbing his pants he zipped them up real good then slip on to his new hoodie. Though the color isn't exactly what he would prefer wearing, he still liked the idea of having it paired with his best friend.

Walking towards the town to find their friends, the two mages were too fixated with talking with each other when they didn't noticed they're walking to a small cliff causing for both of them to fall. Acting by instinct, Gray grabbed Erza and wrapped his arms around her, turning his body so he would be the receiving the impact. Luckily though the cliff wasn't that high just about a feet or two, and the ground they've landed to is quite grassy but fate sure is sly. Base on Newton's third law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and because of that 'stupid law' according to Erza she's now lock lips with Gray because of the little bounce caused by the earth.

Though it was a bit dim because of the hood covering their heads, it's quite obvious that they're ayes are wide as saucers. What's even more surprising is the fact that they're already in that very uncompromising position plus the lip lock but they're still unmoving and it's already been a good ten seconds. It's quite awkward if they must say, but neither has the guts to move, yes even the not so modest Titania.

These two might have remained like that longer if it weren't for their comrades calling. Quickly getting up, the two mages waved their hands to let their comrades know where they are, "Where have you guys been?" Gray being to flushed to answer, averted his gaze and tried to clear his throat. On the other hand Erza with her upper face covered by the hood spoke, "Uhh we uhm we've met the twins of Saber." "You guys look so cute," the blonde mage said gleefully. "But I must say you look pathetic in that stripper," the salmon haired dragon slayer chuckled. Too annoying to be ignored, Gray challenge Natsu but before Erza could stop the foreboding fight, Natsu had already ran away at the sight of the fiery chicken, nearby. Still the frog face hood covering her head, Erza walked next to Lucy as they chuckle at how gluttonous their comrade is. Feeling someone pulling the hem of her jacket, Erza cocked her face to the side just to see Gray behind her. With a swift move, Gray turned Erza around and pulled her close to him. He gentle pressed his lips against her for a chaste kiss and was utterly surprised when he tried to pull back only to feel her lips pulling him back. They're lips move in perfect sync, like they have their conversation through that kiss. Little did they know or probably they do but has the slightest care, of when Lucy have gone total fangirl or when Wendy fainted or when Natsu is choking on his food even when Juvia is just a few centimeters away from the grumbling something in between "Gray-sama why didn't you do that to Juviaaa!!!" and "New love rival, go die!"

"Operation love at Frosch sight success," Sting grinned giving a high five with the green exceed. "Frosch agrees," little Frosch said.

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