My Happiness

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Raku ichijou and Chitoge Kirisaki

WARNING: Highly ahh no I won't be a spoiler

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"Happy birthday princess," an indigo eyed teen greeted with a smile on his face. "What's with you?" the blonde beauty smiled at her boyfriend. It's almost three years, in a few months they would graduate not only in high school but also in the contract they've both agreed upon.

It was a total roller coaster ride, who would've thought their world war like first meeting in ten years would lead to this unbreakable bond between them. Feelings developed and the past 3 years had made this pair mature a lot.

"Why the long face?" the guy asked, looking intently into her eyes. She didn't utter an answer but just smiled and looked behind them where her party is at. By the glass doors of the balcony stood a beautiful brunette, her smile is so warm and full of love. "Happy 18th birthday Chitoge-chan," she smiled brightly. Seeing her, the indigo haired boy walked towards this Japanese beauty, "How long have you been there Onodera?" he asked. They have sunk in their own little world completely oblivious on the short good bye from the birth day girl

This is the day she would confess, the day she would tell him how she feels. Two years worth of courage, she finally found the guts to tell him. It's the last day of summer and they would start to their senior year soon. Why is that this moment would exactly be replayed now. On the cliff overseeing the beach, the only difference? It's him face to face with her, millimeters apart till the gap between them are gone.

She refused to believe that what her friend asked before was a kiss. That she, who has perfect hearing would find a fault in her senses well the flaw might not be in her hearing after all. "How can I be so dense?" she muttered, turning away from this romantic scene.

"So did you tell him?" her reverie was broken with a certain man's voice. "Oh dad," she smiled at the man who had called her attention, however her eyes couldn't meet his, she just can't. "Chitoge..." he said almost barely audible. "I still have a week dad," she said. "I know but the sooner the better right? He deserves to know all of your friends need too," the older of the two explained, "last time I broke the news to you, you were hysterical." His last comment made her laugh. "'Cause when Claude locked me up in that room, I've realized a lot of things..." she said, her smile ever warm and genuine.

"Ojou!!!" the beautiful hitman called for the heiress. She was together with their classmates, apparently they wanted to show something to the birthday girl. Walking towards the group, she noticed that a particular couple was missing. A swift glance around to find them, a shot of hurt struck her heart. She was quick to mask it of course however, her bodyguard quickly saw through it. "Is everything alright, Ojou?" she asked for her ears only. "Yes," she replied.

"So the locksmith had found a small chirp blocking the keyhole," he showed them a small metal scrap. "Hey could it be?" the oldest of the girls had her eyes wide as saucers. Getting the scrap from his hand and connected it to her chirped key, "See..." she showed them. Like puzzle pieces the scrap and her key fit perfectly.

It's time. The moment they've been waiting for. Just who is the promise girl. Yui had already withdraw so only three ladies left. The first one to try was of course Marika, she struggled and forced it to turn but no it didn't. Next was Chitoge, it didn't flinch either. There was no need, it's clear as day. Nothing had change, from ten years ago up till now. "This is so cheesy but what can we say, it's fate," the blonde heiress grinned, "I'll be damned if I were the promise girl." "Like hell you were the promise girl, gorilla woman," Raku spat. Just like old times they would bicker, nothing really changed.

The group had been really into it. The party was a blast. Every one was so happy. Most of the guest were had gone home except for a certain blonde man. "You really have no plans on telling us? Or maybe telling him 'that'?" he asked her. "Maiko-kun," her blue eyes were as innocent as ever, "What do you mean?" "C'mon now Kirisaki-san, don't play dumb," his expression had become serious. "For someone who wasn't even in the top 10, you're very smart," she chuckled. "And please don't change the subject," Maiko pointed out.

The blonde girl just sighed, "How could I even tell him that if he's so happy with someone else?" Maiko looked at the same sky as her, "I really disagree with Ruri-chan when she said that you were dense however one thing she's right though you were unexpectedly selfless." "That's a little too pricing don't you think?" Chitoge laughed, "I'm only doing it so I won't get stuck with that beansprout friend of yours." "Whatever you say mademoiselle," he said.

"Ojou!!!" their little conversation was cut off by her bodyguard. "What is it Tsugumi?" Chitoge asked her. The hitman had this worried look on her face. "Madam Flower had collapsed, I'm sorry but boss had ordered..." she didn't even let her finish her statement and Chitoge had already sprinted towards his father. The cars were already prepared outside, "Maiko-kun..." "No need they'll understand," the boy with glasses smiled.

In the airport, the Kirisaki corp had already prepared one of their private jets, ready to fly to whichever country. The jet was as comfortable and luxurious as ever sitting by one of the seats beside the window, she gaze her eyes in hopes to engrave the view of Tokyo in her mind.

Morning came, every one were so lively ready to begin the day. Bonyari High was buzzing till the first bell rang, "Hey where's..." Raku was about to ask his seatmate when Yuihad answered for him. "Due to emergency Kirisaki Chitoge and Tsugumi Seshihirou wouldn't be attending Bonyari High anymore..." her simple statement had completely made him withdraw and not let anyone or anything in. A hand then pulled him to reality, "Something happened with her mother..." "...but that doesn't explain why she's not coming back. Doesn't she know how we felt? She's just being selfish," Raku retaliated. "You really are a dense idiot you know that Raku," Maiko sighed, "For once let her be selfish." His words had gotten him thinking, "What do you mean Shuu?" "Exactly as I said," he answered without breaking a sweat. Tired of his friend's mind games added to it the frustration, he grabbed Maiko by his collar, "What do you mean?" Maiko remained unfazed, "Her happiness. For once let her be selfish and think of her happiness because ever since your happiness is all she's been thinking."

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