Half Time

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Jellal and Ultear

(continuation of Love at Frosch Sight)

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"Jellal you here?" Erza voice boomed the crystal fortress. "Oh Erza-san you're back?" a perky pink haired mage said, "Nice outfit by the way." "Ahh thanks Meredy," Erza blushed remembering the match with Gray, "Oh is Jellal here I need to report something." "I think he's upstairs or maybe by the garden I'm not sure, you know how he is," Meredy explained.

Deciding to pick the latter, she briskly walk to the gardens only to see a shadowy figure leaning by a tree. Taking his features, Erza crinkled her brows while examining his appearance, "Jellal," it's definitely him no doubt but the once striking cerulean blue bob of hair has now white and silver streaks and there are fine lines settled over his flawless face but the red tattoo is still firmly drawn on the left part of it, "You..." "Look old?" he finished her statement with a slight chuckle. "I would say mature but that works as well," Erza said, "What happened?" her mood shifted.

"'I' happen," an all too familiar voice called, turning all a attention to her. "Y-you're..." Erza looked at the woman closely, "...Ultear." Turning her sight from the woman to Jellal and back to her again and repeatedly back to Jellal, "Seriously just what happened here? The last time I've checked you are looking for her and definitely don't look like that," Erza motioned her hands to Jellal.

Before any of the two aged mage could explain, another all too familiar voice called out, "Erza you here?" he called. "Uhh Gray why are you here?" Erza asked. "And what are you wearing?" the elder lady asked. "You're Ultear?" Gray said, "You look younger?" he furrowed his brows. "Isn't your question suppose to be the other way around?" Erza corrected, "Both of you looked like you've aged 30 or so years. Just what on earth happened?"

"I told you "I" happen?" Ultear said.


I was walking somewhere, I was about to die because I've used time magic when my ethernano levels were on the verge of exhaustion. The side effects of the spell plus the actual deplete in my magic had caused my body to slowly deteriorate.

I travel from town to town awaiting my death. It's getting harder for me to live day by day but somehow I've never been happier than I was. And when I was about to reach my limit he came. He had use his own magic to extend my life, but time isn't that simple. The cost of this is what he had given up, time.


"For half of my time be given to her," Jellal started, "there's nothing I wouldn't want more."

"That so sweet," Erza wiped a tear from her eye. "Foolish, rather," Ultear corrected the scarlet haired mage. "Tch you could at least say thank you," the blue haired heavenly body magic mage grumbled. "I didn't ask you for half of your time, didn't I," Ultear yelled. "Yeah you didn't, but I still did it right," Jellal growled.

By the sidelines the two mages in matching hoodies were whispering to each other as they watch banters being thrown in this aged people. "They look like old married couple," Gray noted making the lady with him chuckle.

"Now look at you, you're old and probably going to die after a year or two," Ultear hissed, "And what... because of me?" "Well what am I suppose to do if the girl I've been searching for is right there? What am I suppose to do if the person I love is dying but there's something I can do to save her," the blue haired man finally blurted it.

Gray and Erza looked at each other as they try to cease their laughter upon hearing the former council member's confession.

"What did you say?" the once raven haired time wizard was lost for words when she heard his statement. Frustrated and probably embarrassed, Jellal turned his heel, "Nothing just.. forget it." He walk towards the exit of the garden, "C'mon you too I'll take you both in the fortress..." The two wizards in question looked at each other then back to Jellal and Ultear. About halfway out the garden, Ultear called, "What if I've felt the same way about you too?"

Her query was enough for Jellal to came running back towards her and entrapping her in his arms. Their physique might been in the late 50s but their souls remain the same. An the love that was hidden beneath their sins now fully blossoming in their penitence..

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