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Petals. They are everywhere. It's the second day and the fifth time this happened. It's giving me a hard time to breath here. They keep flowing out. Not only is there petals, but blood too.

"Hey M/n, where are you going?" Lev asks as you were leaving the classroom that was filled with students after English class. You turn to Lev and just shrugged then rushed out of the room. Lev was left confused on your actions. You have been acting like this for the past three days after the school party.

Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom, gagging, choking, and coughing your life away. You don't know if the people outside of the bathroom can hear, but you' having trouble in there. The blood was flowing out and petals were going out along with it. It hurts. Not only you not being able to breathe and the disease actually effecting your lungs, but to know the fact that this started because of stupid feelings. How can love be this hard.

"M/n? Are you in there?" A voice calls from outside of the bathroom. "Yeah, I'm fine Kenma." A wild guess on who it was, but your were right. Your brother knew about your situation since the first day it started. He heard you coughing in bathroom of your house and he barged in to check up on you to see petals and blood on the sink.

You let Kenma inside of the bathroom and he locked the door incase someone disturbs the conversation.

"You should get the surgery. It will make you better. Though it takes away the feelings you have for Lev, possibly any kind of feeling. If it were only friendly feelings our...your situation right now. This disease is deadlier than the surgery, I will tell you that, M/n."

You stood there in the corner thinking of a response for the advice Kenma gave. He was right. But do you really want your feelings for Lev to disappear just like that? 

"What if I don't really want the feelings to go away? It's weird, I know, since I have  my life at risk over here. But, this is the first time I've felt like this. And I will be completely honest, I like the feeling. Even though it hurts a lot..."

Kenma pauses a response and starts again.

"I am not pushing you to do anything, M/n. It's your decision. I can't really stop you and the disease. But just so you you know, you have to more days to think if you want to confess or not in order for the feelings to be returned."

Kenma has his arms crossed as you were in the corner thinking about it. But you possibly already have the answer to all this. You keep you feelings hidden, and Lev wont be sad if you die and still thinks of you as a friend after confessing and blame himself out of the blue.

"Well, if you'd like it to stay like that, then be it. You be you. Just make sure you don't make me cry when you die in my arms." Kenma smiles sadly and you smile back. "I'll try."

"where's M/n?" "I don't know Lev. He might be around the corner. You know how he is."

Don't worry. The pain will end very soon, M/n

𝚄𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕. 𝙻𝚎𝚟 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚋𝚊 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now