Last Man

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"I'm sorry, Suha. I don't think I can take it anymore."

Min Suha looked at the senior who had been with him since his trainee days. When they first joined, there were five of them in the group. However, as the years passed, everyone decided to pursue different things in life. Some chose to continue their studies and work ordinary jobs. Others changed entertainment companies after receiving no confirmation from the company that they would debut soon.

"Why?!" he couldn't believe it. They were so close to debuting too! "We can still debut as a duo. The management has already given a confirmation about the date, right?"

It was only one week away. 

"Hyung, please don't do this to me. I can't debut solo! You're better at dancing than me. I can't sing, rap and dance all by myself. The stage is too big for me."

Smiling sadly, his senior who he spent the last four years training, laughing and crying with shook his head.

"Sorry, Suha. I will support you for your debut."

The soon-to-be idol dropped to the floor in shock. Why? They were so close to debuting after years of hard work. Why did he end up alone? What went wrong?

"Is it so wrong to debut after twenty years old? Why do you have to care what the netizens say? Why do you have to abandon me too?"

Sobbing, Suha brought his knees to his chest and recalled everything that they worked for. The track had been recorded, the dance had been choreographed. With only one more week to his debut stage, could he still redo everything and pull of a show-stopping performance?

"Should I quit too...?" he asked quietly. 

There was nobody else using this training room now. It felt a lot emptier now that he was alone. It used to be so crammed in here because the company had no money to rent bigger rooms. They often bumped into each other and argued because of it but now, he missed those days.

Looking at the mirror, Suha saw his reflection. No, he couldn't quit now. He told his parents that this was the only path he would walk in life. He wasn't good at studying and did not have any other skills apart from singing. The moment he left his home on a bus with nothing but some clothes and an application form, there was no more going back. At the very least, he couldn't show his face back home if he didn't appear on television.

Wiping his tears using his sleeve, Suha got up. That's right. Even if had to record a new song, make a new dance choreography or debut solo, he had to do it. After all, music was the meaning of his life.

If he couldn't succeed as an idol, at least he had to die trying!

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