Debut Stage

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It was his first time at a show. Suha was beyond nervous. All he remembered doing was bowing to everyone. It wasn't the same as the rehearsals, and he hoped he looked at the right cameras. His company wasn't one of the big ones, and they didn't send anyone else with him apart from his manager. In that one week after the last trainee in his batch quit, he had to redo everything for a solo debut instead.

Needless to say, he couldn't give a performance captivating enough for the audience.

The only thing that was on point was his singing, and even that did not work out. He wasn't allowed to sing live, and the mic wasn't working. His stylist did a sloppy job putting together the outfit and most of the make-up and hair were done by himself. He barely memorised the lyrics and had to choreograph the new dance two days before debut.

Suha was at his limits. Nobody recognised him even after he finished his performance and walked out of the shooting studio. He was still in full make up after changing out of his costume but not a single person noticed.

"Good work," his manager smiled. "Don't think too much about it. We will let you know when the broadcast is ready. Go back for today and stay out of scandals."

It wasn't a good night. Suha spent more time waiting for his turn than performing. They say that a star was brilliant for that few minutes on stage. After burning all its lifespan brightly, it fizzles out and become something of the past. How true.

It was winter and Suha did not feel like going back to his cheap apartment immediately. The memories of people simply staring at him without a sound at the end of his performance still replayed itself in his head. There was a sense of loneliness more than the loss of his debut mates. The beginning was not going to be easy. He already knew that. However, it did not change how difficult it would be. 

The newly debuted idol looked up into the night sky. There were many clouds giving a gloomy vibe. The wind was cold and biting on his face. He could still feel the chill in his bones even after wrapping up. The stars decided to hide tonight. Either that, or the street lights in Seoul were too bright that covered them up.


From afar, Suha squinted. Moving slowly across the sky partly obscured by clouds, he thought that was a plane at first. However, after realising that it was a rare shooting star, he quickly closed his eyes in a prayer.

Please grant me the strength to pursue this difficult road as an idol.

Twinkling from a distance, a certain purple-haired shooting star guardian screamed in fear as he lost control of his starship. His communications were broken and the only place he could land was on this planet.

Thankfully, someone made a prayer and Uki Violeta locked onto that voice as his landing target. Whoever this unfortunate fellow was, he would do his best to repay the favour if he survived this crash.

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