Falling for You

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The idol was ecstatic when Nijisanji returned with an email informing Suha that he had passed the first round of auditions and invited him for an online interview. Uki congratulated him, and they thought about what Suha wanted to do for a debut if he was confirmed.

"How about singing covers?" Uki suggested. "There are some trendy ones you can try. You'd be very popular among the girls if you choose this."

Raising a brow at the sulky tone despite the suggestion, Suha studied the star guardian carefully. Over the last two weeks, Uki had been strange. The alien man wasn't reserved, but sometimes he became very shy around Suha. Not to mention, Uki kept staring at Suha when he thought the idol wasn't paying attention.

It was obvious to the idol trainee who had been on the receiving end of many of these looks. It might be the first time a man or alien had looked at him like that, but it wasn't a bad feeling. If anything, Suha liked it more than the confessions he received from girls.

"I think I won't sing for a while until I save up for a better mic," Suha consoled Uki. "The part-time job will begin tomorrow, and there is still the online interview. I don't think I can sing my debut song, but I have a few rejected song titles that the company did not want. Maybe we can create an original song before the debut if I am selected."

Happy that Suha wasn't going to sing the songs that many fan girls liked, Uki nodded. His starship's repair was progressing smoothly, and Uki learned many cooking recipes from Suha. He wasn't much help as an astral spirit, but he hoped he could one day connect with Suha physically.

Together, Suha and Uki looked through the rejected songs and selected one to work on. It was still incomplete, but that was not a problem. Suha wondered if it was a coincidence that Uki chose a love song to work on. However, he was happy with whatever the cute star guardian wanted. 

Suha worked on the lyrics while Uki hummed some melody. According to the star guardian, he could play an instrument very similar to the piano back on his home planet.

"Once I get my body back, I will play something for you on the keyboard."

Grinning, Suha nodded and asked if he should include a rap. Uki had never heard of rap before, so Suha spent the rest of the afternoon explaining it to Uki. 

The gap between them disappeared in the middle of the explanation, and Suha studied Uki's different coloured eyes.

"Were you born with different coloured eyes?" he asked.

Surprised that Suha was interested about him, Uki explained that he was born with the colour of his right eye. However, every star guardian will gain the power of the star they are assigned, and the right eye will be sacrificed for that power.

"Think of it like a wifi connection," Uki explained. "That tattoo on your wrist also borrows that star's power. The stars can live for a very long time but not us. We have to pass this power to the next generation every hundred years. Maybe lesser if we fail our mission and die."

Hearing that, Suha frowned. "What if you fail to complete your mission? Does your mission have a time limit?"

Uki looked away. Missions normally did not have time limits. However, prolonging the mission wasn't advised. The longer it took to complete a mission, the more energy it used from the star. If warmth was like food for the star guardian, wishes were like sleep. If they fail to complete it on time, they fade away.

"It's not very important," Uki smiled, but Suha had his suspicions. Yet, the idol did not pressure Uki for the truth. Whichever the case, they would solve the problems together. After all, he knew his heart well. It would be useless to deny the feelings growing in his chest for Uki.

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