Stella Ex Inani

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Uki Violeta was a strange person. He looked mostly human and was always silently watching. The man did not speak much but remained curious about everything from the moment Suha brought him back to his apartment.

"What does this do?" he asked, pointing at Suha's phone when he removed it from the pocket.

Explaining patiently, Suha gave Uki a tour of his crappy apartment. There wasn't much to show, but the alien wanted an explanation for many things.

"So the lights turn on because of energy called electricity. What about the water? What does water do?"

Uki Violeta was a little ball of chaos. Suha wondered if all aliens were as adorable as him. The man floated everywhere and tried to touch them, only to remember he was in his astral form. His sulking was too cute for this planet. The idol welcomed his distraction and demonstrated how the washing machine worked.

After making some ramyeon and introducing himself, Suha sat down to eat. The alien was doing somersaults in his living room while he ate and hummed lightly to himself.

"Stella ex inani, revelare te ut nos iter in tempore..."

Finding the song beautiful, Suha couldn't help but ask what that meant. 

"Oh, that's a song in my language. It would translate to Star from an empty space, reveal yourself as we travel through time. Star guardians usually remain unknown to everyone else. We answer prayers specifically. You prayed for something earlier, didn't you? It's the only reason why I can change my initial travel course. If not for your prayer, I would have fallen into the void and died."

"You sing very well," Suha smiled. "Do you know any other songs?"

Taking his mind away from his performance, Suha learned about the type of things and songs Uki liked. They shared a lot in common, even if they were different species. However, the idol looked away when the topic about Suha's wish came up.

"It's ok," he put the dishes away in the sink and turned his back to Uki. "You can stay even if you don't help me."

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