Uki Violeta

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He was the best star guardian at his academy. Uki Violeta did not expect to encounter a black hole on his first flight after graduation. The landing was rough, but thankfully, a kind soul prayed to him and gave him a coordinate to crash land on.

Earth was a strange place. It was full of depressing energy. The humans seemed unhappy, and not everyone knew what they were doing. The person he received a prayer from looked no better than everyone else. The man's name was Min Suha, and he was a messenger of joy despite his bitterness.

Min Suha was a handsome young human, and Uki blushed. Everything about this human looked like his type of man. It must be fate that they met! The universe never lied about such things. Although it was unfortunate that his starship crashed, it was a good thing they met.

Thankfully, the starship did not cause much physical damage. Uki crashed into Suha, and the startled idol did his best not to freak out at a ghostly alien's appearance. His starship had shrunk to the size of a finger in power-saving mode after escaping from the black hole. Even Uki's real body in the cryonics on his starship was compressed into atoms. Only his spirit was free to communicate with Suha.

"I'm not a ghost!" Uki promised quickly. "I'm a star guardian from a different planet. Right now, I'm in my astral form because the starship has been damaged too badly. It needs some time to repair. In return for troubling you, I can grant one of your wishes!"

Suha was flabbergasted. He'd never seen such a pretty angel before, much less one with purple hair who crash-landed into him. It was odd for hail to fall, even in winter. At first, Suha thought he was in trouble when the 'starship' crashed into him. However, the mysterious star guardian startled him when he suddenly appeared from the ice crystal flower that fell on his head.

"Who are you?" he asked, holding onto the alien spaceship that looked no different from an ice crystal. It had a petal shape similar to a forget-me-not.

Introducing himself as a star guardian and a rookie pilot who had graduated from his academy, Uki explained his mission to find souls and answer their prayers.

"I received a different prayer from a different galaxy when a black hole appeared out of nowhere. The starship took too much damage, but I managed to escape. Who knows where I would have landed if it weren't for you praying to me? The communication system is broken, so I had no coordinates."

It was still too surreal to talk to an alien after a depressing debut performance. Suha was considering going out for a drink alone to drown out his thoughts, but now he had a change of plans. He wanted to know about Uki Violeta, who struggled awkwardly under his stare.

Taking mercy on the adorable alien, Suha looked around and realised nobody else could see Uki. Even if he was an alien, he behaved closer to a ghost.

"Let's go back to my place first," he smiled. "Are you hungry?"

Blinking at how easily Suha accepted his explanation, Uki shook his head. They were star guardians and only needed warmth from time to time. Stars die without fuel, and star guardians die without affection from the people they are helping. Thankfully, Suha did not look like a heartless person.

When Uki did not reply, Suha pocketed the starship and walked back with the purple-haired alien floating silently behind him and drilling holes into the back of his head with heterochromatic eyes.

Meeting an alien was not all bad. At least Suha did not have to deal with the pang of loneliness with the mysterious stranger's presence now.

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