Virtual Idol Min Suha

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After being forced to leave his entertainment company, Suha and Uki searched the internet and learned about a new type of idol by a relatively young company called Nijisanji. It was recruiting idols to become virtual talents online. As Suha wasn't that great at dancing and was better at singing, it worked out perfectly for him.

Uki and Suha looked at the application form carefully and discussed every step of the way. Suha wondered if he would be alright without any streaming experience.

"It's ok," Uki smiled. "You're not alone. I'll help you! Although I don't look like it, I'm actually quite good with technology. After all, I'm the class' top scholar back in school!"

Reaching to ruffle Uki's hair, Suha frowned when his hand went right through Uki's astral form. He was a rather touchy-feely person with those he was close with. He'd come to like this cute alien boy in just a few days. However, Sha remained unfazed. Uki was doing his best. He couldn't give up now.

"Thank you. You're a very smart cookie, Uki."

Surprised that Suha called him a smart cookie, the star guardian tilted his head in confusion. The image of a confused star guardian tickled Suha so much that he couldn't help but want to tease Uki even more.

"Uki, suki."

Even if Uki wasn't fluent in the languages used on Earth, he could tell the sort of emotions Suha had at the moment. It made him squirm, and Uki eventually disappeared into his starship to take refuge from Suha's teasing when the red on his face wouldn't disappear.

When Uki disappeared, Suha looked at the crystal flower and poked it lightly. He called out to the star guardian several times, but Uki would not respond. Giving up for now, the ex-idol returned to his application and filled the rest of it up before sending it.

Without anything to do now, Suha looked at the account Uki had made him. He never considered becoming a virtual idol. However, maybe this was what the heavens had in mind for him. Virtual Idol Min Suha sounded great. He should probably start somewhere while waiting for news about the application.

"Uki, I'm going to start streaming. Can you help me? I don't know how to use this software."

Reluctantly, Uki left his starship and taught Suha where the stream settings and functions were.

"You still have to get a better microphone if you want to become a virtual idol. The video quality has to improve if you want to grow your audience."

Nodding, Suha listened to Uki's advice. He should also take a part-time job to make ends meet now that he has more time without a training schedule. Together, they created MIn Suha's first thumbnail and looked at how other virtual idols made their debut.

"I want to sing in front of many people and make my parents proud of the career I chose," Suha declared. "I don't want to regret leaving everything behind to pursue this life of arts."

Hearing Suha's wish, Uki's hair glowed for a moment, and his purple eye registered the wish. The star guardian formed a soul contract with Suha when he said that, sealing their fates together.

"I will make your wish come true. Please take care of me," Uki smiled as Suha studied the temporary tattoo on his left wrist that was only visible to him and Uki.

"Likewise," Suha choked. "I'm happy to have met you. Shall we start the first stream together after buying a better microphone?"

Gladly, Uki browsed the online catalogue with his contractor for new microphones.


AN: His new outfit reveal is so full of drip!

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