Story Plot 8: Supernatural Theif

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Taking a deep breath, I slouched down the door trying to calm my beating heart. Running my hand through my hair I glance down at the bag I had placed down on the floor, then i closed my eyes trying to listen to see if anyone was following me.

My eyes flew open again when I heard somthing rustling in my room, getting up I quickly switch on the light, knife in my hand at the ready to attack the intruder.

I gasp in relief when a black cat slinks through from behind a bookshelf.

"You scared the hell out of my, theres none else here, you can change" I say picking up my bag and turning my back to Nightlock as I head to my bed and place the bag carefully down on it.

" Did you get it" Nightlock asks from behind me now in his human form.

"Of course I got it, how can you doubt me" I say looking over my shoulder smirking as I watch his eyes light in excitement.

Moving closer he comes to look at the bag over my shoulder.

" Was there any trouble, you hurt" he asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing I can't live through" I say assessing the pain throughout my body.

" You take it out if you want" I say watching his face expressions but he shakes his head.

"You do it, you got it afterall" he smiles and I nod in appreciation.

Taking a breath, I shaky open the zip of the backpack opening it wide to examine what was inside.

People have killed for this. I thought it would have been more guarded but only four lower ranked guards where looking after it.

Ow well there dead now whoops.

Reaching into the bag I take the item out placing it down onto the covers of my bed.

"Its incredible" Nicklocks says smiling and I smirk at him.

" its breathtaking"

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