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"Since I'm suspended, I can do whatever I want. I grabbed my car keys and head out i also grabbed my guitar it is the weekend so Tara will be off that means she will most likely go to a party. I think to myself as i get in the car putting my guitar in the sit next to me and driving off and get to Chads house. And i see am greeted by him i follow him into his bedroom where i take my guitar out and we hook it up ready to play a song we start to play the song Chad taps his foot on the ground following the beat of the music. After we finish the song we just plan to hang out"

Chad: So You Going to the party or not?

Y/n: Party?

Chad: Mindy and Me are hosting a party

Y/n: Oh really who is going be there?

Chad: Most of us most likely Luke as well know you two are on bed terms.

Y/n: Yeah...

Chad: Why did you beat him up?

Y/n: I was attacked the other night by somebody in a Ghostface mask i think it was him same height strength you know even if he was trying prank me it wasn't very funny, he legit broke into my house using a real knife.

Chad: He is the type of person to do that, but he is your friend and why would he use a real knife?

Y/n: No Idea but i just had to.

Chad: I guess Do you have any proof?

Y/n: Were you at his party that night?

Chad: Yeah Why?

Y/n: Was he drunk?

Chad: Yeah, so how could it be him?

Y/n: I asked Tara she said the same thing.

Chad: Speaking of Tara why did she run up to the day you got suspended?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Chad: The day you got suspended she ran up to you and you were talking you smiled at each other i did not even know you two even talked or knew each other

Y/n: We-We don't talk.

Chad: She is probably coming to the party tonight so are you coming or not?

Y/n: I Guess it won't hurt.

Chad: Alright man see ya tonight

"I pack my guitar and go back home"

(I just want to tell you this because i want to but I'm watching Ailyah's TikTok live while writing this HAHAHAH)

"It is night i did not tell Tara i was going but it not like she would care anyways i knock on the door And Tara answers."

Y/n: Tara?

Tara: Y/n?

"She grabs me in and pushes me into a room and turns the lights on we walk into a bedroom where a couple were doing the dirty and we quickly walk out into another hallway"

Tara: What The Heck are you doing here?

Y/n: Chad invited me.

Tara: You shouldn't be here Luke is here do you want to start a fight?

Y/n: I'm chill it is a party or is this you being jealous?

Tara: Jealous?

Y/n: Yeah

Tara: Why would i be jealous?

Y/n: Because there is a bunch of girls here?

Tara: Do You find them attractive?

Y/n: Sort of but you the best here.

"She slaps me"

Y/n: What-

Tara: I will breakup with you.

Y/n: S-Sorry I was just joking the other ones are hoes you are way better than them.

Tara: S-So you want a drink?

Y/n: Sure.

"She goes to kiss me but we are caught she quickly backs away"

Chad: What were you two just doing?

Y/n: She was trying to kill me

Chad: W-Why?

Tara: He called me ugly.

Chad: U-Uh Oh Okay? So want a drink y/n?

Y/n: Sure "I smile at chad before following him off i get side eyed by Tara"


"I walk off to this table where he pours a drink i see Luke and he comes over the better not be drunk I think to myself"

Y/n: O-Oh hey.

Luke: What The fuck you doing here?

Y/n: Because it is a party? Small town

Luke: Whatever Just stay away from me

Y/n: Stay away from you? You came over to me "I say annoyed."

Luke: Fuck Off Man "He says slurring his words"

Y/n: You fucking are drunk.

Luke: W-Watch your mouth No I'm not.

Y/n: Fuck off.

Luke: You want a fucking round 2?

Chad: Go ahead fight man show them you are better can't just back off now right y/n?

Tara: I-I Don't think it is a good idea...

"Before y/n could speak he was punched in the face making his nose bleed"

Y/n: Fuck i was going back off but now you got me in a worse mood.

"He stands up kicking Luke into the table spilling drinks and food"

(Teenagers + Fighting = Drama)

Y/n: Get up man!

"He grabs him by the shirt pulling him up again just to kick him back down Luke gets up by himself punching y/n in the face Y/n grabs Luke by the head smashing his head into his knee than kicking him in the stomach pushing him down he does not get up he lays there on the floor."


Y/n: Man you started it this time.

Tara: Come on Y/n

Y/n: W-Where?

"She drags him into a bathroom grabbing a towel and wetting it cleaning the blood of his fist"

Y/n: What are you doing?

Tara: Taking care of my boyfriend?

Y/n: Somebody could be behind that door?

Tara: Oh Yeah- Sorry

Y/n: It is alright.

Tara: You are so stupid but i still love you.

Y/n: Thank you i guess?

"She kisses him"

(YOU WERE LEFT ON A CLIFFHANGER HOW DOES tell me. How does it feel TO LOSE HAHAHA okay im being a jerk right now all because my headphones are TRASH RN)

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