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"Tonight, the school is holding a party for the schools 20th anniversary congratulations, i guess. I'm just going because i want to keep a eye on Tara and have some fun i guess be a stupid teenager? I grab a suit and put it on i look in the mirror and sigh as i head out the door i get a text from Tara"


Tara: Y/n You going to the party right?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm driving right now.

Tara: Okay see ya tonight.

Y/n: Okay :)

*At the party*

"I step out of my car taking a look at the flashing lights music and teenagers dancing pretty normal looking party hopefully nothing goes wrong. I go inside and look around no drinks of course because this is held by the school i look around and see Amber Wes Chad mindy and Tara the only person I'm here for Chad sees me and waves me over so i do Amber does not look happy to see me"

Chad: Whatup Y/n.

Y/n: Hi-

Amber: Ew what are you doing here y/n?

Y/n: It is a party?

Amber: Whatever.

Tara: Y/n want a drink?

Y/n: This is a school party there isn't a drinks?

Chad: Silly of you to assume we didn't sneak some in.

"He points to the bag with drinks in it under the table i sigh and shake my head"

Y/n: You really want to get in trouble?

Amber: Not if we aren't caught. "She smirks"

"I look around seeing no teachers"

Y/n: F-Fine just one.

"Tara grabs a bottle under the table and pours it into a cup and hands it to me"

Y/n: But if i get caught I'm blaming it on you guys.

Wes: You won't get caught we checked and none of the teachers are paying attention.

Chad: Yeah relax it is just a party.

Y/n: So what do we even do? This party looks boring.

Amber: Exactly do you hear this boring music? And slow dancing no drinks no fun.

Wes: Yeah Amber is right.

Y/n: I thought you were the good kid who always listened to their mama.

Wes: My mom is out of town right now for another week. So, who says i can't have fun?

Chad: What are we going to do with this boring party?

Amber: We find where the music is and change it.

"They all smirk at each other while me and Tara look at each other."

Wes: I think i know.

"He points to a door in the back"

Amber: Perfect.

"He sneaks off and Wes follows her"

Chad: This is going be fun.

Y/n: Where is liv?

Chad: Oh She is in the bathroom drunk throwing up.

Y/n: And you aren't there to help her?

Chad: Oh Shit yeah right-

"He runs off"

Tara: Sometimes i wonder how I'm friends with these people.

"I smile"

Y/n: Yeah they seem just a little worse then crack heads.

"The song changes from a smooth and slow dance to a more rock song- and the teachers did not like the words but those students sure did-"

Tara: Uhm-

Y/n: Yikes I'm closing my eyes.

Tara: Let's just go somewhere else.

"I nod as we walk away till we can barely hear the music anymore"

Y/n: This is a crazier night then i thought...

Tara: Y-Yeah

Y/n: Which i don't really care because i only came here for you.

Tara: O-Oh Really?

Y/n: Yeah, parties can be pretty dangerous and with what has been happening i wanted make sure you not only had a good time but were safe.

Tara: Oh Thanks i just thought you came here to have fun.

Y/n: I'm not really into parties

"We both lean against a wall"

Tara: I only went because they went.

Y/n: We can always go back to my house play a board game and maybe even a movie?

Tara: Yeah, i would like that.

"We look at each other and start to lean in slowly kissing each other ignoring the background music we kiss for a good 20 seconds till we break the kiss both catching our breath. We hear our names being called and panic"

Tara: Oh Uhm-

Y/n: H-Hide

Tara: Where?

"We panic as the voice gets closer and closer"

Y/n: Hide in here

"I open a door to a dark room she enters and i close the door and act like I'm doing something. I see Amber come in"

Amber: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: Oh Hey amber

Amber: W-What are you doing?

Y/n: Hiding from the people.

Amber: Why?

Y/n: Because they are dirty dancers.

Amber: Where is Tara?

Y/n: Oh Uhm i don't know

Amber: How the fuck do you lose a 5,0 feet female that stands out.

Y/n: She is small.

Amber: Small? That makes it even harder to lose her

Y/n: No-

Amber: Tell me where she is.

Y/n: Maybe she went to the bathroom? Or home because i would go home if i was her.

Amber: She doesn't have a car.

Y/n: S-So? Maybe she took Uber?

Amber: She doesn't take Uber.

Y/n: Well then don't ask me something i don't know....

Amber: Idiot. At least come help?

Y/n: Yeah i will in a couple of minutes i got tie my shoe oh and i split a drink on my shirt so I'm cleaning myself off. Go on go look for her i don't want to keep you waiting i will be out as soon as i can.

Amber: You shirt doesn't look wet.

Y/n: Yeah just go.

"She storms off as i fake tie my shoes when she is out of sight i quickly open the door and see Tara is not there"

Y/n: What The-

"I look inside the room and see another door"

Y/n: Fuck...

"I mumble under my breath and run out the door and see a trail of blood i run as fast as i can till i see the trail stops at a car? I look under the car and see Tara she is alive..."

Tara: Y-Y/n...

Y/n: Tara? What are you doing

Tara: He is here... He stabs me...

"I Help her out from under the car and look at where she was stabbed not too bad but it looked painful..."

Y/n: Are-Are you okay?

Tara: Yeah i was scared...

Y/n: Whoever is doing this will pay... This proves it isn't just an prank they fucking stabbed you.

"I give her my coat and carry her to my car"

Tara: What about the others?

Y/n: You still got your phone on you?

Tara: Y-Yeah

Y/n: Call one of them they were looking for you tell them you called Uber or something.

"She nods and takes her phone out and calls Amber and tells her"

Y/n: Still want to go to my house? I can also clean the stab.

Tara: Y-Yeah let's go.


Drama Cheesy ass romance >:)

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