Chapter 4: Kissing

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I arrive at Newt's house, and I look at him. He looks back and we embrace each other in a passionate kiss. It soon turns to making out as we both reluctant to break it gasp for air at the same time and after catching our breathes, I tell him still breathless "Newt." 

He replies just as out of breath as I am, "Yeah Tommy." I respond still a bit out of breath "I love you so damn much." I kiss him again without warning just wanting to be close again not caring I'm still out of breath and it seems Newt doesn't care either. 

After once again needing air and catching our breathes Newt responds, "I love you so bloody much." He then kisses me on the lips, and I relax into it kissing back. 

After a few more minutes of kissing, we finally break long enough to catch our breathes when Sonya's voice calls "NEWT!!! THOMAS!!! ARE YOU TWO JUST GOING TO SIT THERE MAKING OUT OR ARE YOU COMING IN!!!!" 

I look down deeply embarrassed and I look at Newt to see his face is redder the red. I'm sure I have a similar look on my face as I muster words out "You should go before the whole world knows more than it should." 

He smiles and kisses me one last time before leaving out the door but holds my hand for as long as he could before fully exiting the jeep. 

He closes the door and I smile as I watch him leave up the driveway. He suddenly turns around again coming back over to the jeep and he gets back in telling me "I don't want to be away from you. Stay the night, Tommy." 

I'm shocked but soon I relax into a smile and answer "Definitely. I'll let my dad know." I grab my phone and call him, but it goes to voicemail, so I leave a message saying "Hey dad, just thought I'd let you know that I'm staying at Newt's in case you're wondering. Love you see you tomorrow . . . . Maybe . . . Bye." 

I end the call and leave the jeep making my way around the other side to Newt. I grab his hand and we walk in side by side as Sonya says but not "Aww." 

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