Chapter 8: Pack Meeting

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It's after school and we're in the jeep making our way to the pack meeting. We're once again holding hands as I drive and after a while we arrive at the loft. 

I look up at the building feeling my anxiety picking up, but it slowly starts to diminish as Newt rubs the back on my hand with his thumb and I breath in and out before finally exiting the jeep.

We make our way inside the loft and Newt, and I talked about telling them about us. I ultimately decided to tell them before the pack meeting begins and so as we approach the loft the more anxious, I get. I open the door letting Newt in first and then I shut the door behind me. 

I then turn to see everyone, and it makes my breath catch in my throat. I shake my head and snap out of it and start talking "Hey everyone I want to say something before we start the meeting." 

Everyone nods or responds, 'Okay or that's fine' I take a deep breath before I start "Okay here I go." I look over at Newt and he takes one step closer making me calmer, so I begin "So um . . . how do I put this . . ." 

I think a bit before continuing "I'm gay and this is my boyfriend." I step towards Newt, and I wrap my hand in his smiling before looking at the pack. Scott and the whole pack's mouths are hanging open. I smile looking down as I say, "Well uh say something." 

Scott's the first to snap out of his daze and respond "Oh um well. I . . . uhm. I'm . . . I . . . I didn't know. Good for you. You two look cute." I smile looking down again but with slight red coloring my cheeks and after the heat dies down a bit, I look up at Scott telling him "Thanks buddy." 

He smiles and replies "Course, you're my best frie . . You're my brother Thomas. How could I not support you . . . And your boyfriend." I smile more as I look at everyone else you more or less look normal or at least they're no longer looking at us with their mouths hanging open. 

The rest of the pack pretty much says the same thing as Scott and after the meeting Newt and I go back to the jeep, but Scott comes over asking "We're you at Newt's doing the dirty." I immediately blush bright red unable to hide it, so Scott responds, "I knew it." 

He says before leaving to his bike "Good for you, see Ya later Thomas." He waves leaving and leaves me embarrassed. I get into the jeep and Newt speaks "You look too cute right now with those red cheeks of yours." I blush even more because of that, and I kiss him on the lips leaving the loft parking lot.

After arriving at my house with Newt we make our way into the house and to my room where we make out for a few minutes before fucking one another. After an hour or two we just lay side by side holding one another before drifting to sleep and I feel nothing but content, happy and grateful that the pack are fine with Newt and me. 

I'm also grateful that I have Newt by my side, and I plan to never let him go. I plan to marry him someday and then I'll truly be the happiest I'll ever be . . . But for now, I'm going to focus on the now and lay with my beloved Newt.

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