Chapter 6: Lovers Loving

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~~Smut continued~~


We enter his bedroom, and I don't waste any time going back to kissing him. I've pinned him against the wall as I kiss down his neck and body. I stop at the top of his jeans as I kiss one last time just above the hem of his jeans and I move away to remove his belt to remove his jeans. 

He doesn't stop me, and I remove his jeans from him. I then remove my own jeans before returning to kiss him up and down. I'm lying on top of him as I nibble his neck and earlobe knowing his sweet spots. 

I finish nibbling him and decide to kiss him as I move my free hand to stoke up his thigh and body. We move in sync with one another as we kiss each other and not long after we are both butt ass naked as fuck and make out.

After an hour we just lay next to one another catching our breathes and I look over to Newt thinking it's our first time fucking each other which makes me smile. 

I move his hair out of his face, and I see his eyes are closed meaning he's asleep. He moves closer and wraps his arm over me as I smile wrapping my arm around him as I close my own eyes drifting to sleep.

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