3:10 to BC Freedom

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The eight horsemen stood atop a small plateau overlooking the train tracks nearby. Colt's black Stetson shielded his face from the blazing sun while his horse, Jeb, began to shake off the pestering flies.

Soon three more horsemen approached the gang, all waiting for the sound of an engine or whistle. As the they got closer, Springfield made his way to Colt's side.

"These are the boys, brother," he said.

The lead horsemen trotted forward. "Morning all," he said in his distinctive accent.

"Christ you didn't tell me they're Irish," whispered Colt.

"Like I said, the scourge of St. Gloriana," smiled Springfield.

"Name's Guinness boss, this is Jameson and Baileys. We're ready to spread some hell!"

Colt laughed. "Very good, we're gonna need that enthusiasm."

"Okay gentlemen," started Remington. "Here's the plan. The train will be coming through here shortly and on it our M24s. Our Irish friends here will make sure the ladies stay in their seats and remain quiet."

"Got it," the three said.

"Winchester and Derringer will deal with the driver, keep us moving at all times. Browning, Springfield, Uncle Colter and I will deal with the tanks. Once we get on, Smith and Wesson will take the horses to the location we agreed on." 

"When can we take part in a robbery sir?" asked Wesson.

"When you're older kid," laughed Derringer.

Before anyone else could speak a lone rider began to trot over to the gang. As the figure got closer the boys began to reach for their sidearms. However, upon noticing the figure Colt calmed them down.

"You gotta be kidding me," cursed Colt.

He rode towards the figure, who's bright blonde hair fluttered in the wind.

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Colt angrily.

"It's my fault your tanks are on this train," replied Kay. "At least let me help you get them back. And besides they won't suspect you guys if a girl tags along."

Colt thought for a while as Remington rode up to join them.

"Commander?" he asked.

"Okay if I tag along Remy?"

"Absolutely not!" objected Colt.

"Ahem," Remington coughed. "Since this is my gig, I believe I should make this call and I say she can come."

Colt rolled his eyes and groaned before making his way back to the gang. The two followed and after the usual greetings, Kay joined the waiting game.

"Since when could you ride a horse?" asked Colt.

"No need to get jealous brother," Remington teased.

"I'm not jealous!" Colt snapped. "Just curious is all."

"You left a book behind," replied Kay.

Colt smiled to himself, a smile that Kay noticed. 

"Impressed?" she asked.

Colt's smile quickly dissolved and transformed into an embarrassed frown. Kay smiled at Colt's silent response. Suddenly the sound of a train whistle echoed throughout the valley. 

"Here we go," said Colt. "Masks on boys!"

As the gang fixed their burlap sacks over their heads, Colt passed a spare to Kay. The train eventually came into view and after the passenger car had passed the gang started their gallop. Winchester and Derringer sped towards the front of the train, while Jameson jumped onto the other side of the passenger car. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang jumped on board with Guinness and Baileys taking each side of the passenger car door. 

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