Westward Bound

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"Right," said Colt. "I think this is our flight now. You ready to head back to Japan?"

"Not really, we didn't get to see the Golden Gate Bridge while we were here," replied Emma.

The two laughed together before picking up their bags. Before leaving Colt turned to his surrogate entourage. He approached the old man and his sons one last time.

"I... I don't know how to thank you," confessed Colt.

"Don't. I know you are thankful," replied the man. 

He shook the man's hand as well as Charles'.

"You have friends nearby," he said.

"So do you," said Colt. 


Colt gently lifted the window shade before the rising sun began to radiate onto his sleepy face. Next to him Emma rubbed her eyes followed by a yawn.

"Morning," said Colt.

"Good morning," replied Emma.

"So, there'll be a guy waiting for us at the airport. His name's Springfield."

"Springfield?" asked Emma. "I don't remember meeting him. What's he like?"

"Well aside from being a bloated Louisianian windbag, he's got his perks. Mainly getting us out of sticky situations with his... well... charm would be an overstatement. He's not really a member of the San Juan Unit."

"Why not?"

"He's a member of the club for sure, but he's not a man of action like the rest of us, more of a behind the scenes type of guy. But mostly the Federation won't let him anywhere near any tanks due to an unfortunate but quite funny incident."

"What happened?"

Colt laughed. "Oh, I'm sure he'll tell you everything believe me." 

Hours passed and eventually the plane came to a screeching halt on the runway, the airport quickly slid into view. Following the normal arrival procedures, the two collected their bags and made for the exit. Colt easily spotted the portly American with his ear-to-ear grin. 

"Well blow me down," he greeted followed by a roaring laugh.

Colt chuckled to himself as he found himself trapped in Springfield's python like squeeze.

 "I see the Yakuza hasn't skinned your hide yet," said Colt.

"Ha! Better them than the Federation women, they'd make the gators back home run back to their mommas."

Springfield then drew his attention to Emma.

"So, you're the poor woman that's had to deal with Colt's bullshit huh?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's me," beamed Emma.

"Name's Springfield miss but you may call me Uncle Springy," he smiled while shaking her hand.

"Like fresh hell she will!" Colt objected. "Anyway, let's get outta here, where's your car?" 

"Woah woah woah cowboy easy, we're still waiting on one more passenger," said Springfield while taking a quick glance at his phone.

"Passenger?" Colt and Emma asked.

Springfield looked up; his grin grew even bigger. He raised his hand and waved to the figure standing away from the trio. Colt and Emma looked back. Colt's heart skipped a beat as through the sea of people, he stared directly into a familiar pair of light blue eyes. Colt shakily stood his ground as she slowly approached towards the three.

"Uh... best we avoid this confrontation, who knows how it'll end," Springfield whispered into Emma's ear. "Let us away miss! Allow me to take your bags to the car!" 

"Ah, splendid sir!" replied Emma.

Before leaving Emma gave Kay a little wave, Kay noticed and returned the wave before focusing back on an awestruck Colt. She finally reached him who struggled to get any words out of his mouth.

"Hey... Colt," said Kay nervously.

"Kay," he replied stolidly.

"How's the waist? I hope Emma treated you well."

"Yes, she did. She treated me very well."

Kay's lip began to quiver. "I'm... I'm so sorry for what happened Colt. Really, I am. I still..."

"It's in the past now Kay," he said softly. "Saunders has a problem and I intend to help fix it."  

"I understand," she replied. "Your friends and some of the girls are holding a welcome home celebration for you."

"A celebration huh?" said Colt raising an eyebrow. 

"Look I know what you're thinking but trust me it's only a small one. And besides, who knows when we'll have another one."

Colt thought for a while before sighing. "Okay, fine."

Kay breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled softly while Colt looked down at her slightly shaking and extended hand.

"I think a hug might be a bit awkward," Kay chuckled nervously. "I hope this okay?"

Colt took Kay's hand and shook it. In the car Springfield took the wheel with Colt next to him and the two girls in the back. During the ride Kay and Emma spoke quietly to each other while Springfield's blustering filled the front of the vehicle.

"So did you enjoy our Southern hospitality?" asked Springfield.

"No, I didn't go south," sighed Colt.

"You missing out brother. I know a feller in New Orleans, makes the best damn flapjacks on God's green earth." 

"Yeah, I'm sure you do," smirked Colt. "So, how's the boys?"

Springfield's smile wiped away. "Not to good truth be told brother, the news hit everyone like a freight train. We've all been pitching in to help raise some money but, we're not exactly the people you wanna give money to."

"I hate to ask but who's been in charge while I'm gone," Colt asked.

Springfield's evil grin came back. "Oh, you're gonna love this."

"Is it Remy?" 

"Damn straight it is."

Colt rolled his eyes and slouched in his seat, the impact of the back of his head hitting the head rest spooked Kay.

"Are you alright?" she quickly asked.

"Just dandy," groaned Colt. "I'm going to sleep."

"Do you want me to wake you when we arrive?" 

"Yes please."

Sometime later the car came to a screeching halt outside the bricked building overlooking the port. The Saunders school ship lay still on the water in the background as seagulls soared overhead. 

"Hey, we're here," said Kay while shaking Colt's shoulder.

Colt groaned and rubbed his eyes accompanied by a yawn. The front door of the building suddenly opened, and two men stumbled out, bottles in hand. They recognized the four and innocently hid their bottles behind their backs.

"Holy shit," said one man. "You're here."

"Smith? Wesson?" asked Colt.

"Yes sir," said Wesson gleefully. "Uh... can I offer you a drink sir?"

Colt smiled and held out his hands before Wesson threw him the already half empty bottle. 

"Straight from Derringer's own shelf sir," said Smith.

Colt took a swig and recoiled at the taste. "Lord almighty!"

"Plenty more where that came from sir," said Wesson as he held the door open for the group.

"Mr. Springfield," said Colt.

"Yes sir?" 

"Would you be so kind as to introduce me?"

"It would be my pleasure sir."

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