Operation Lafayette

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"Hey, we're here."

Kay slowly opened her eyes and raised her head off of Colt's shoulder. They stopped on a hill overlooking the match grounds complete with the large stadium bearing the flags of Saunders and their opponent, Pravda. 

"Okay," sighed Kay. "Let's do this."

Jeb tottered down towards the gathering of Saunders crews. Springfield approached them as they got off the steed. 

"May I take Jeb for you brother?" he offered.

"Thank you, Spring," replied Colt before giving him the reins.

With the reins in one hand, Springfield extended his other towards the two.

"Give 'em hell."

Colt accepted the hand, as did Kay. Meanwhile Alisa, Naomi, and Remington made their way to the commanders. Kay tearfully embraced the two while the two boys shook hands.

"I'm gonna be honest brother, I've never been more nervous in my life," Remington admitted.

"Nervous?" asked Colt. "Well, I've never seen you so out of character Remy." 

"Very funny," replied Remington.

Unlike Kay, Alisa and Naomi had wide grins on their faces causing Kay to frown in confusion.

"What's up?" she asked nervously.

"We uh... might have gotten some help," replied Alisa.

"What kind of help?" 

Behind them an M26 Pershing appeared on the horizon, the light blue emblem of the All-Stars University Team was displayed proudly on the turret and hull. Upon reaching the Saunders team a young lade climbed out.


"How's it going Kay?" she beamed.

"But h-how?" asked Kay.

"I wasn't gonna just sit by and watch Saunders die now, was I?" 

"Oh my God!" gasped Kay. "You're the best Megumi!"

Megumi chuckled. "I didn't come alone as well."

Out of nowhere the sounds of drums, guitar riffs and rotor blades bellowed from the sky. From out of the sun a helicopter approached with a man's head hanging out the window like an excited dog. The man had the widest grin ever seen, with black aviators and a black Stetson hat. Colt's Rottweiler, the Saunders War Dog, Ol' Gatling made his entrance to sound of CCR. 

Gatling opened the doors and jumped down onto the M24 Chaffee the Huey was carrying underneath. As the tank touched down with an almighty thud on the ground below, the Saunders team all rushed over to him. 

"I may be smiling but deep down I am heartbroken that you would have a war without me!" Gatling chuckled.

"We thought the Vietnamese had killed you," replied Colt.

"Haha! Big boss man!" greeted Gatling as he hopped down from the tank.

Colt groaned in pain following Gatling's friendly by powerful punch to his arm. Nearby another sound was heard, the growl of an engine approached the Saunders team. A Sherman Jumbo lumbered forwards. 

"It ain't a fight without the Saunders Stallion!" exclaimed the commander.

"No way, you got Pool as well?" cried Kay.

The three new arrivals stood before the bewildered Kay.

"We're all ready for action commander," said Megumi.

"Today I'll follow your lead my old friend," said Pool.

"Let's show these commies some good ol' American steel!" said Gatling. 

Kay approached the grinning Katyusha atop the stoic Nona. The men and woman of Saunders faced their adversaries as the two commanders exchanged their greetings. 

"Those boys look a little green," remarked Katyusha. "Could they be nervous about facing someone like Katyusha?"

"My boys don't fear anyone," replied Kay.

"Now, then," said Ami Chōno. "The Saunders University High School against Pravda Girls High School will now begin."

Following the greetings, the commanders retreated back to their teams and huddled around a laid-out map and chalkboard inside a tent.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, here's the plan," started Kay. "Bastogne Unit will launch a frontal assault on the town, Belleau Unit will flank on the left side of the town and the San Juan Unit will flank the right and behind. They'll be completely surrounded. Megumi, Pool I'm counting on your experience, Colt your speed and Naomi your accuracy. This is Operation Lafayette guys, our final operation."

The room went quiet some nodded in acknowledgment. 

"But we're gonna carry out this operation with the same passion and determination that we're known for. And fight with the same fury and willpower we're known for. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. And I just want you all to know that I love each and every one of you. Always have, always will. Good luck and let's show them what Saunders is made of!"


 After the meeting, Colt and his vice-commanders went back to their crews who now huddled around the three.

"Well, this is it boys," said Colt. 

"Are we getting any support from the other schools?" asked a crewmember.

"No, they're not allowed. We're on our own here. But I'll tell you what, we don't need them. This battle is gonna be fought by Saunders and won by Saunders. And when this all done and over, drinks will be on Derringer."

The crews cheered and laughed in response.

"But seriously though boys, I'm damn happy to be fighting alongside you all again. This won't be a cake walk that's for sure, but I know you'll do your sisters, your cousins, your friends, your lovers proud. Hell, I'm proud of you all for putting up with my bullshit and not killing Gatling immediately."

The laughs grew louder.

Colt chuckled. "Alright you sons of bitches. Let's go give 'em hell!"

The crew roared in agreement before departing to their tanks. Kay walked up to Colt after the gathering disbanded and hugged him from behind.

"You have such a way with words," she remarked.

''All true though," replied Colt.

"I know," said Kay as she turned Colt to face her.

"So, you all ready?" asked Colt.

"All ready," sighed Kay.

"You go win us a victory, okay?"


Kay leaned in and softly kissed Colt on the cheek. His mouth hung open before reverting back to a smile and returned the kiss to a grateful Kay.

"Give 'em hell," she whispered.

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