The Saunders Sons

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"Brothers and sisters, would you please give a warm Saunders welcome to our ol' Bull Moose, Uncle Colter!"

Following Springfield's words, the Saunders students and his male comrades descended on Colt like a swarm of locusts. Hugs and cheers were aplenty as Colt struggled to make his way into the room. Remington and Winchester quickly sprang down the stairs into the room.

"El Jefe!" blustered Remington. 

Colt embraced the acting commander. "So, you're not dead yet?"

"No sir I am still the same athletic and mild-mannered foot soldier as when you left."

Colt scoffed. "Yeah, sure."

He then embraced Winchester.  

"Good to see you again," he said.

"Yeah, you too," replied Colt.

While Colt was ushered towards the bar counter, Kay and Emma received their own welcoming greetings. Among the greeters, Alisa and Naomi approached them. 

"So, how did it go?" asked Alisa.

"Fine I guess," said Kay.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?" asked Naomi.

"No," replied Kay. "Instead let's hear what Colt got up to in America."

The four girls joined the huddle around Colt who took the glass of whiskey that Springfield quickly fixed him. Time passed and one by one the girls began to depart until it was only the boys.

"Right!" said Reminton. "Now that the gang is back together let's go over our plan to get back our tanks."

"What in the hell are you talking about?" asked Colt.

"After your exodus, Kay sold our M24s," replied Browning.

"Jesus Christ," cursed Colt.

"Yeah, we could use his help. They were sold to Kuromorimine and we've just recently learnt they're giving them to BC Freedom. Remington's drawn up plans to rob the train carrying our tanks," Browning explained. 

"You have a plan?" asked Colt.

"Oh yeah," said Remington excitedly. "We're gonna ambush them once they're past Yamaguchi, take the tanks and wait for the girls to pick us up."

Colt leaned back in his chair and thought for a while. 

"Of course, you can always bail on us if you want," smirked Remington.

"Oh, very funny," snarled Colt. "I suppose it has been a while since I went on a raid with you boys."

"Springfield's got some friends that'll be joining us. Thought it might be a good idea to have some non-members, so they won't suspect us," said Remington.

 "Who are these friends of yours?" Colt asked Springfield.

"Some lads that enjoy a miniscule amount of mischief," replied Springfield. "They mostly love giving St. Gloriana painful headaches but they're not afraid to tease other schools."

"Can they ride?" asked Colt. 

Springfield took a quick swig of his bottle. "Oh yes, don't worry they'll do whatever you say sir."

"Me or this idiot?" asked Colt as he shook his finger towards Remington.

Remington gave a slight jab at Colt's shoulder, the two laugh and as did the room before Winchester came back into the room and handed Colt his phone.

"It's Anchovy," he said.

The room went dead quiet, even Remington who had just started his third bottle of beer remained quiet as Colt reluctantly took the phone. He signaled Springfield to fix him another drink.

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