Chapter 2 - Austin Woods

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I stare, dumbfounded. He's the one whose English is bad? suddenly, I scoff. I'm actually not surprised. I sit in the chair, considering whether or not I really, truly want to go to the Reading Competition. but then I realise something else. even though Austin is incredibly rude, doesn't do his work, gets in trouble with teachers all the time, helping someone learn their English, and possibly help them enjoy and get into reading, would be amazing. after considering the whole proposition for a bit, I finally look at Principal Geoffrey and say to him,

"Ok, I'll help Austin. so it's every Wednesday until the Reading Competition?"

"Yes. again, I truly thank you for your help Nora. I know Austin will need it. isn't that right-" Principal Geoffrey looks up to speak to Austin, but his words die on his throat. I turn around in the chair and see that the place Austin was just standing is now unoccupied. he's gone. I hear Principal Geoffrey's sigh and he says while I'm turned,

"Good, Luck Nora. it seems that with Austin, you'll need it. now, lunch break is coming in a few minutes so this will give you some time to prepare for this first Wednesday. have a good day." and with that, I leave Geoffrey's Office and head to the student cafeteria, meeting the others for lunch. when I enter the doors to the cafeteria, they all sit together at a bay window. I approach them and they all look at me, the question of what happened clearly on their faces.

I explain to them, "I have to help Austin Woods with his English, or I'll be prohibited from attending this month's Reading Competition."

"What?! Geoffrey's cant do that to you! besides, Austin is so rude and horrible, there's no way he'll show up for you to help him!" Mary says kind of loudly. Mary is one of the others in the Reading Club. her black pixie cut makes her look a bit sickly with her pale skin and blue eyes. today she's wearing a forest green sweater, jeans and black boots. I nod in agreement, saying,

"Trust me, I know. but, if it lets me attend the competition, and I get to help someone get better with their English, if he even shows up, I'm going to do it. but I just hope he shows up."

Mary nods in acknowledgement and I sit down with them, opening my bag to grab some cash that I always keep in my bag the day before school. I set my bag on the table, walk over to the counter and grab a tray to pick some food to eat for lunch. I select a ham sandwich, a mini container of grapes and a water. once its on my tray, I give the money to the woman at the register and walk back to the others, biting into the soft bread, ham and mayo once I sit down again. while we talk about exciting things, my mind remains on Austin and what awaits me.

The bell finally rings, instructing us towards our next classes. I head off alone towards English, which is honestly my favourite class of the day. I pass a large group of fellow peers while taking the stairs one at a time, finally reaching the room. the walls on this floor are a dark cherry wood. when I enter the room, there are about 3 other people in the room. I sit at the seat farthest from everyone else. as I set my bag down, I notice the three of them look at me for a second, then away, whispering to themselves. I don't have to guess what they're talking about. I just roll my eyes and ignore them, waiting for everyone else so class can start and I can put my attention towards what we're doing today.

Slowly but surely, students stream in one after the other, all of them taking seats that are available. and then, just after them, the teacher comes into the room. another faculty member whose name I don't know nor do I care to know, even though English is my favourite class. she sits at her desk, her blonde hair in a single braid that hangs over her shoulder. she wastes no time in turning on the projector and showing us our wake up task, she calls it. today, we need to write a poem based on anything we want. the theme doesn't matter. we all have 30 minutes to complete it. as everyone comes up with ideas, I look around the room and see, yet again, those same three people looking at me. Don't they have anything better to do?

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