Chapter 6 - Learning Why

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Today, I wake up a bit earlier than usual and put on a forest green crochet sweater, black leggings, brown Timberland boots and put on a beanie. I let two sides of my hair hang from the sides of my face, my hair in the half ponytail, same as usual, the rest of my hair meeting the back of my neck. then, after talking with mum about whatever for a few minutes, I step outside and go to the area that my bus picks me up at. I sit on the bench nearby and open the book I was assigned. over the weekend, besides writing, I also read the book that I chose for the Reading Competition.

I'm just on the last few pages of the novel when I hear my bus pull up. I look and see, once again, the tacky, gaudy yellow of it. but I climb the metal steps as usual and find my usual seat at the back. Anne isn't there. wondering why I turn to one of my peers nearest me, tap them of the shoulder and ask,

"Do you know why Anne isn't on the bus?"

"Oh, yeah. she said she wanted to start having her mum drive her to school now. dont know why though. she loves to ride the bus."

"Oh." the person turns away from me. on the ride there, I can only think of one reason she would suddenly wanna stop taking the bus. and it leaves me floored. she's acting absolutely ridiculous. just because I'm helping Austin. and the reason I dont chalk it up to anything else is because the way she's been acting corresponds too closely with how long I've been helping him with his English. hoping reading will help me calm down, I open the novel I chose for the competition and begin to read, throwing myself into the world the novel is set in so heavily that one of my peers has to tap me on the shoulder and say to me,

"Hey, we're at the high school. we need to get off."

"oh, okay." I quickly close the book and stand up, then follow everyone single file line out of the massively long vehicle. once we all deboard the bus, it drives away, turning a corner a few seconds later. I walk towards the entrance and see, sure enough, Anne stepping out of her mums SUV. once she gets out and closes the door, our eyes lock. but instead of looking sorry, apologetic even, she just cruelly rolls her eyes and walks into the school. I place my hands on my hips and sigh, frustrated. then, after a few minutes, I just head straight inside. today is Gym, Art, English and Science. Art and science are going to be horrible today because it means Anne and I having to be in the same room for a whole hour, twice. I'm really starting to wonder weather she's a person I should have as a friend. the others aren't in the place we met last week, when we we're all whole, all together. so I just head straight to the Art class and wait for the day to begin.

Half an hour later, we're all in the art room, working on our projects. Jose looks from me to Anne, whose sitting 2 tables away from us. I guess, eventually, he cant take it anymore. he says to me quietly, under his breath,

"Okay, seriously, what is going on with you two? first, she quits the Reading Club and now you tell me she doesn't even go on the bus anymore," re-iterating what I said to him when he walked into the room this morning.

I turn to him and say, my hands folded on the table in front of me,

"Anne still isn't able to handle the fact that I'm helping Austin with his English. in fact," I say, a tiny bit louder so she's able to hear,

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