Chapter 3 - The First Wednesday

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Today, I decide to wear light blue denim overalls; sleeveless. under it I wear a white t-shirt with a black collar and mountains on the front. around my waist I wear a green plaid shirt and red converse, baby blue ankle socks as well. before leaving, however, I approach my bookcase and decide that, If Im to do this with Austin every Wednesday of this whole month, I'm gonna be supplying the books, not the library.

All my books are organised into different categories: YA, Fiction, Fantasy, and a few non-fiction novels. for some reason, Austin gives off a lover of poetry vibe to me so I grab two of my favourite poetry books in my collection; one by Edgar Allan Poe and HP Lovecraft. they're also signed, plus first editions. these books cost me a lot of chore and allowance money. but I dont mind. their works are just so fascinating, so interesting to me. the others only enjoy reading fiction and fantasy but I like all genre of books. I grab the two novels and I head downstairs.

Yet once I get down the steps, I see a note on the rustic kitchen table,

'Hey sweetie. had to leave early to meet a client so I made you cinnamon toast. Have a wonderful day at school; Mum.' I simply grab 3 pieces of toast, fill my water-bottle with water from the tap and head outside. I dont have to wait long for the bus; as It pulls up to my house basically 5 minutes after I step outside. When I board the bus, I dont see Anne there. maybe she's sick?I just shrug and take my seat as usual, staring out the window, watching the world go by in the blink of an eye.

parts of the street pass by in a sweet, soundless blur of fast paced images and activity. yet all too soon, the bus pulls up to Pine Hope high, and what will follow I can only assume is the same day as usual. instead of going to my class as usual, I head to the library. yet, as Im walking towards the school, I see upon closer inspection Anne's bike at the racks. so she biked here instead?

But I just brush it off. maybe today she just wanted a change of scenery? I pay no attention to it as I enter the school and directly make my way to the library. yet Austin isn't there. well, even if he doesn't show, at least I'll have quite a bit of time to read to myself. I decide to occupy a seat by the window and wait, even though I'm sure he isn't going to show. I pull out my book and open it, this time at a part in the novel where The girl is on her way to a massive battle with a large army, her childhood friend and boyfriend by her side. As I read in the otherwise empty library, the sun warm on my skin, I suddenly hear a chair slide across the carpet from me thickly. I look up and see quite a surprising sight.

Austin Woods sits across from me, his peach skin also slightly glowing in the light. He doesn't look at me, just out the window. I dont know how long I stare at him, or why, but eventually he says,

"Well, are we doing this or what?"

I come out of my confusion quite quickly, saying,

"Oh, yeah. Umm, lets get started," I begin. yet, as I was staring at him, I noticed he was wearing this large, oversized black sweater. It's the middle of summer, and a consistent heatwave at that. isn't he baking? but, brushing it aside, I say to him,

"I felt like you were a lover of poetry. dont ask me why. with most people, I can kinda just feel what they like to enjoy reading."

"Hmm. well, I cant tell you. I've never read poetry."

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