Hot Tempered Prince

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Knuckles mumbles and curses as he tosses items that used to be a metal cup on the ground as his servants scrambled to pick it up and dispose of it properly. It was pretty common that prince Knuckles had a temper and most avoided him when like this. The only one who has even been uninfected by his temper is the Prince's best friend Sonic and his father King Enerjak.

Sonic rolled his eyes at his behavior and sighs. He understands how his friend feels but making a fuss and throwing tantrums won't change what's gonna happen. Sonic seen how the war has taken a toll on the people Emerald kingdom and of they fought any longer the casualties would have been more devastating. Knuckles was raised as a warrior and probably would have prefer to fight till the end. The King knew that war would only cause more problems for his kingdom and since Knuckles is his only surviving heir he had to think about what best for Emerald kingdom future.

As the prince continues his fit as the servants try to get him ready Sonic thought back to the battlefield he saw devastation on each side and how even in the eyes of his enemies before he struck them down was fear. Fear of not returning home and being with their friends and family. He closed his eyes as he shook the memory away and looked towards his hot headed friend. He may complain now but he knows that Knuckles one day will realize that what he is doing is for the best.

"Okay I'll handle our grumpy prince here guys." Sonic says as he tilts his head towards the door and the servants nodded looking relieved as they rushed towards the door. Sonic picks up some quill ornaments and motions for the prince to sit in the chair. Knuckles growls but did as his friend wanted as the blue hedgehog went to work on placing the items on him.

It was quiet for a while as the hedgy continues working before the prince spoke. "I don't like this Sonic." The blue hedgehog stopped for a bit and looked at his friend in the mirror. The young red echidna was looking down his face was twisted into a frown as his purple eyes showed sadness instead of it's usual flames. Sonic felt a pang for his friend and spoke. "I know Knuckles but you have to think about the people-" before he could finish the red echidna stood up and shouted "I KNOW! I KNOW THE PEOPLE SUFFER I KNOW ITS MY DUTY TO DO WHAT BEST FOR THE KINGDOM! I JUST WISH THAT I GET A CHOICE!" he pants as the room became quiet and none spoke for a while before prince looked at his friend with exhausted purple eyes. "I just wish for freedom to choose who I spend my life with and have things they way they were before this damn war...." Sonic moved quickly and hugged his long time friend close to his body. "....I know Knuxs...I wish for the same......" They held each other for a long time till there was a knock on the door. "Young prince it's almost time for the ceremony to begin." A soft voice of a servant said before sounds of soft clicks indicate that she left.

Sonic and Knuckles reluctantly let go of each other and finished up with getting ready. After the finishing up the final touches as now the Prince mentality prepared for what's to come. Sonic looked at his long time friend and felt a pang of pain in his heart as he watched his friend leave with him following behind him. No matter what he will still love his friend despite how fate seem to pull them apart.

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