Breaking the Ice! {part 1}

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Shadow and Amy were just coming from the library holding a stack of books. Shadow holds a pile of mystery and poetry while Amy has various romance novels that she has been itching to read. They come across the training grounds seeing the new recruits looking like they have been through the ringer and on their last legs. The instructor shouts at them and has them run the course again. On another side at a paired off fighting one on one some good others poorly and need more improvements. It brought him back to when he had to do similar training but more..... extreme.

He shook his head from those unpleasant memories wanting to continue back to the room to read his books but stopped when he noticed a certain echidna sparing with a blue hedgehog. The sparing match was enticing as a crowd and some of the other sparing pairs stopped to watch these two go at it. If Shadow had to describe it it was almost a dance between them each knowing the other movements as the dodge and hit only for it to be blocked back and forth with each other. He could tell Knuckles punches had power in them and the echidna wasn't going easy on his opponent not that the blue hedgehog seemed worried about it judging by the cocky grin on his face as he dodged and kicked as he jumped around the echidna. It's almost as if this hedgehog was wind itself and Knuckles was trying catch him.

Shadow was brought out of his staring by Amy. "Let's get a closer look Shadow!" She exclaimed grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the court yard as he kept a grip on his books in one hand. He knew Amy wasn't really interested in the training going around and was more keen on getting to Knuckles as this was a perfect opportunity since he's been rather exclusive these few months.

We made it right when they seemed to be taking a break drinking some water and chatting. As we got closer to the pair the first to spot us was the blue one as his emerald eyes glanced towards me. For a moment it looked like his eyes darken a bit before quickly going away as he waved at us. "Hey Amy and prince Shadow a pleasure to finally meet you." He bows respectfully as we approach.

Knuckles still has yet to say anything or so much look at their direction. "So what brings you two here? Come to see some action?" He grins his body relax and care free yet Shadow can tell he was putting up a facade around him. Now Shadow knows there are some people who still act coldly dismissive around him but the air around the hedgehog was like a blizzard. Roaring and unforgiving at any caught in it's way. Shadow had to suppress a shiver as Amy spoke to the blue hedgehog. "We just came from the library and happened to be passing by." Rose smiled as gave her books to a nearby trainee who was walking by. The trainee look confused and was gonna say something till Amy gave him a look that quickly shut his mouth. "Well Knux and I were just wrapping up so you'll probably want to head back." Amy pouted and Knuckles still haven't even say anything not even a glance and that really hit nerve. "Oh? I was hoping to at least spar for a bit since we just got here." He gave his own set of books to the trainee as well who now can barely see over the top.

This caught the group and a few other close by surprise and halting what they were doing. There was a beat of silence before it was broken by a deep voice. "I doubt you can even last five minutes in this ring. It's not some kind of game either so you might as well go read and let real warrior's train." He glared and crossed his arms over his broad chest and air firm and solid and deadly as a mountain as if daring Shadow to try to climb it and risk it.

Shadow didn't break eye contact accepting the challenge solidifying his resolve to finally confront this stubborn echidna once and for all.

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