A Helping Rose

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Another week went by with nothing changing and it was grating on my nerves. Again I was alone with a new servant attending to me this time since I kept slipping past every servant they sent. It was entertaining for a bit till they sent one particular servant named Amy Rose who is quite resourceful in tracking me down. She's no push over and didn't hold back giving me a lecture about my behavior. It actually made me laugh which caught her off guard for a moment as I felt that no one was ever gonna talk to me.

After I calmed down we talked as she set up afternoon tea. Amy is a optimistic girl who is very protective of her friends that she holds dear to her heart. It usually hard for me to open up to anyone who wasn't my brother yet she somehow got him to do just that. He feels he can be more open with her and she has a air of spring and care that was strange but not unwelcomed.

Every morning when I wake now isn't so cold and lonely anymore since she came here. His mate still hasn't spoken or consummate our marriage and while a part of me is fine with that another is also hurt by Knuckles coldness towards him which frustrates him. If he wishes to never lay with him he can accept that but the ignoring his existence is reaching it's limits.

Amy and him where now strolling through the garden as he confineds to her about his predicament. "You should march up to him and tell him to man up." She said bluntly as she crossed her arms and huffed. He likes Amy personality and her compassion for everything in life in general. She would show him her favorite books of adventurers, danger's, true love. I would chuckle at that as she goes on a whole ramble about love being the most powerful magic in the world. For me love wasn't something I believe will be but it was nice to see how others still have hope for love.

"You two are married and he's acting like a child. You both may have not wanted this but you're the only one who's being mature about it. From what I've heard Knuckles is strong and is a capable fighter but he also can be hot headed and lack focus on things such as people's feelings." She plucks a rose from bushes being mindful of the thorns as she twists it around between her indext finger and thumb as then spins around and held the flower towards me.

"I just know that if you don't speak up soon the harder it will be for something to grow between you two and all that will be there is a empty pot with no hope and no joy. Even if you two can't love each other as mates maybe you can as friends for love isn't always romantic." She smiles as I took the rose it's red color bright and vibrant as my companion. She then took my hand and we continued to walk in the garden her talking about love and me listening. The two were off in their own world they were unaware of two purple eyes glaring down from the castle window.

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