Breaking the Ice! {part2}

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"Are you sure you can handle this? Last thing I want to see is one of my friends get hurt." She adjusted the protective gear on Shadows body making sure it wasn't loose. Shadow nods as he fixes his gloves. "I can hold my own in a fight well enough and even if he is stronger than me I won't go down so easily." He gave her a smile of confidence as he prepared for the fight. He turned to see others gathering around even the instructors to witness the fight. He can hear whispers around some betting their prince will win and put him in his place once and for all. He ignores them and focuses on his opponent who is talking to that blue hedgehog. He notices how their demeanor shifts as they continue to speak to one another.

The blue hedgehog that first felt like a blizzard now shifted to a cool breeze at the echidna as his smile looked more real than the one he received. Knuckles still radiate strength but more open towards his blue companion more so than others around them. 'They must be very close to have such trust in one another…' Trust isn't a common idea in the Doom kingdom and there's very little Shadow trust in his life. Amy earned his trust and his brother Eclipse who always shows his concerns about his well being. There's also a certain bat who sneakily went by his walls and became important to him. Trust is earned just like respect and he will earn that right today no matter what.

Shadow wonders how his friend is doing as he steps into the training circle just as Knuckles did. He was once again greeted with an unwelcoming cold as they faced each other. The whispers and jeers quieted down as all those presents held their breaths. Shadow just barely blocked the punch that came close to his face as he skidded a bit back from the power. He grunts as dashes forward and returns the favor with his own punch with just as much force. This caught Knuckles by surprise as he moved back a couple of steps not expecting such power. It actually sparked a bit of interest at what his little mate can really do as he blocked on the coming kick.

No one made a sound all focused on the fight that one can only describe as a roaring storm. Shadow's strikes were like lighting as he rained it down on the echidna, some even landing its mark on the prince. That didn't deter Knuckles as he landed a few hits on the dark hedgehog as his eyes shine in excitement as Shadow would quickly jump back up to continue the fight. Many are in awe of this fierce fight not sure who would come out on top.

Both Shadow and Knuckles were both panting at this point, exhausted as this dance continued. He just needs to get Shadow out of the ring so this little game can end! So he charges at Shadow with a fist raised to knock him out of the ring only to find himself on the ground and out of the ring with the back of his head aching. Silence envelopes the yard as Shadow continues to pant as his body shakes from pain and exhaustion now at his limit but he remains standing as he forces himself to walk and holds a hand out to Knuckles to help him up. Knuckles stares at him as he takes Shadow's hand and is pulled up. "What was that just now?" One minute he has Shadow at the edge, next he disappears and is kicked from behind! Shadow took a second to catch his breath before answering. "There's a lot about me you don't know if you want answers you're gonna have to earn it." With that the dark hedgehog walked back to Amy as she fussed over him as they walked back to the castle to rest.

Knuckles barely acknowledged the talk around him as he stared at the form of the dark hedgehog unaware that emerald eyes also looked in that direction with new found interest.  Later into the night a lone figure flew in the night crossing the starry sky as she heads towards a window to visit a friend.

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