Chapter 2: Training and...

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Izuku pov

Fubuky: Come closer.

I come close.

Fubuky: Look, this is going to hurt a little.

Fubuky puts his hands on my neck and lightning starts coming out of Fubuky's hand, it lasted ten seconds.

Fubuky: Okay, now you have a quirk, it's called black mist, it allows you to manifest a dark and thick mist that only dissipates when you want to, also transform into it, from that mist you can create weapons, try it.

Izuku creates these weapons, turns into a smoke/mist

Izuku creates these weapons, turns into a smoke/mist

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Fubuky: Welcome to Chrono 14

He opens a portal and when I see it, we are in front of an underground facility, so he goes to the door to put a password so we can enter...

Fubuky: I managed to recruit that person we've been eyeing for a while...


??: He's cuter in person~

???: Welcome Izuku

Izuku: Who are they?

Fubuky: Why don't you introduce yourself better?

Mauro: My name is Mauro Hohenheim, codename: Supernova, my quirk allows me to use light as a weapon, in short I can shoot rays of light or make something collapse, exploding that thing, the only problem is extreme fatigue, but I training and today tiredness is not so much a problem for me.

Mauro: My name is Mauro Hohenheim, codename: Supernova, my quirk allows me to use light as a weapon, in short I can shoot rays of light or make something collapse, exploding that thing, the only problem is extreme fatigue, but I training and today...

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Alice: My name is Alice Tanaka, codename: Crimson Queen, my quirk allows me to create fire in my hands or create waves of fire, the downside is that prolonged use will make me unable to use my quirk for a while.

Ivan: My name is Ivan Ivanov, codename: Ink, my quirk allows me to create ink and use it in different ways, I can also stretch my body with ink, I never noticed any disadvantages from prolonged use, but which quirk did Fubuky create for you?

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Ivan: My name is Ivan Ivanov, codename: Ink, my quirk allows me to create ink and use it in different ways, I can also stretch my body with ink, I never noticed any disadvantages from prolonged use, but which quirk did Fubuky create for you?

Ivan: My name is Ivan Ivanov, codename: Ink, my quirk allows me to create ink and use it in different ways, I can also stretch my body with ink, I never noticed any disadvantages from prolonged use, but which quirk did Fubuky create for you?

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Izuku: He created a quirk called black mist, it allows me to manifest a dark and thick mist that only dissipates when I want it, also transforming into it, from that mist I can create weapons.

(Author's note: I'm not the leader, I just assist, however much I can manipulate the narrative, events, etc. I prefer the support/medic role, I rarely get into direct combat, because let's face it, as the author it wouldn't be fun)

Fubuky: Right, your training starts now...

We go to a training room...

Fubuky: The others already know, but you can use everything you have, this room doesn't matter how destructive your quirk is, it can't be destroyed, besides it can have any target you can imagine, this room is timeless, that is, it is outside the ...

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Fubuky: The others already know, but you can use everything you have, this room doesn't matter how destructive your quirk is, it can't be destroyed, besides it can have any target you can imagine, this room is timeless, that is, it is outside the domains of time, if you want a specific target, go through the door with its name, inside those rooms that the targets will appear...

I noticed there was a door with my name on it and I walked through it and I was in a blank...

I imagine Shoto and Katsuki and they start to come after me, so I fight using my quirk and shoot with two shotguns, the two fall to the ground and disappear, then they reappear and I manifest a scythe with chain to eliminate them. .. I think I'll like this...

Izumi pov

Izumi (thinking): That bastard Katsuki used me and still wanted my brother out of the way?! HE 


katsumi pov


shoka pov


From then on they were never the same, everyone who made fun of Izuku was punished for 

them and one day when they returned home...

Izumi: How will we avenge my brother?

Shoka: I don't know.

???: I have the solution.

Katsumi: WHO ARE YOU?

AFO(All for One): My name is All for One, I came to offer you the chance to get revenge, just do one thing.

Izumi: And what would that be?

AFO: Become villains!

The three stop, think and blinded by hate make their decision.

The three: We accept.

They followed him to the base of the villains and that's when things started to go, they received one more quirk each, Izumi received an energy quirk that allowed her to shoot energy beams, Shoka received a quirk of earth and water to fight respectively Shoto's ice and fire, Katsumi received a quirk that allows her to manipulate oxygen at specific points, being able to kill a person without oxygen or in her case to prevent her brother from using his quirk since without oxygen the ignition does not happen not the explosions.

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