Chapter 4: Rehabilitation and new mission

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Izuku pov

It's been a few hours since the girls went for a checkup with Fubuky, I'm really worried about what might happen to them if the villains put suicidal quirks on them...

I go to Fubuky's operating room...

Me: What about Fubuky? How are they?

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Me: What about Fubuky? How are they?

Fubuky: Well... All for one put some other things besides quirks on them, he put mimetic agents that I already removed and put quirks that would poison them if they betrayed him, I'm removing those quirks that might cause them some harm too ...

Me: I honestly don't know how to thank you for everything you've done for me...

Fubuky: Trust me, you don't have to, I'm just doing it right...

Me: You're a very curious guy I would say, we barely know anything about you, your quirk is also a mystery, I don't think we know anything about you...

Fubuky: Just know that for now it's better you don't know...

Me: Right... are they sleeping?

Fubuky: I applied an anesthetic to them, after that they started to sleep, I did that because removing quirks in my case is much more dangerous than giving awake quirks, remember that when I gave you a quirk it hurt a little?

Me: Yes...

Fubuky: Removing quirks causes worse pain than that, but in this case I'm removing aspects of the quirk that All for One put in, because he fused quirks to create these extra quirks that he gave them, but it will be enough for them to keep the quirks no problem, this will only take a few more minutes, I recommend you go rest too...

Me: Right.

I leave there and some time passes

Alice: So Zuzu? Will they be okay?

Me: They will for sure, even though we know almost nothing about Fubuky, we know they are in good hands...

Izumi pov

Me: Where am I?

???: You are at the base of Chrono 14...

Me: W-who are you?!

Fubuky: My name is Fubuky, I was the one who rescued your brother from being killed that day, and I also removed things that could be harmful to you from your bodies...

I look to the side and see that Katsumi and Shoka were here...

Fubuky: Wait a bit here, I'll call someone...~

He leaves and after five minutes he reappears with...

He leaves and after five minutes he reappears with

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Me: I-Izuku?

He runs and hugs me.

Fubuky: I'll leave you guys alone, since you haven't had such a good reunion time before...

He leaves the room

Izuku: Why did you join the villains?

Me: W-we just wanted to avenge you for what happened... (crying) we thought Katsuki killed you!

Izuku: I thought so too...

Me: Who was he exactly? I found out that his name is Fubuky, and that he rescued you but that's all...

Izuku: So... about that, no one here knows much information about him for sure, we know that 

he's the one who trains the supports here and also that he rescued most of the people from this facility... but other than that we don't know anything else. ..

Shoka and Katsumi wake up, Izuku hugs them and they start crying with happiness to see that he's with us... He explains more calmly where we are and what's going to happen...

A clock in Izuku's pocket starts to chime and it was a message

Izuku pov

Me: I have to go see what the message says, wait just a moment...

(Message): Izuku, we want the Chrono-A squadron to perform the "rehabilitation" of the captured villains, this "rehabilitation" will take place in the UA at Nezu's request, basically the girls, because they have this potential, will be introduced in the hero course replacing three students who asked to leave the course, you and your squad are technically already heroes for working for Chrono 14, so for the next three years your mission will be to keep an eye on them and the gang.

Sincerely: Fubuky.

Ps: If you need help just ask

Me: So girls, remember our dream of going to UA?

Izumi: Yes.

Me: You three will have rehabilitation there at the request of Nezu himself, me and my squad will keep an eye on you and the group you will be with.

Katsumi: REALLY?!

Me: Yes... well, you better get ready, we're starting tomorrow...

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