Chapter 5: Introductions

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pov narrator

Aizawa: As you know, Mineta, Sero and Koda are no longer students here, and your class was also selected to help rehabilitate villains and turn them into heroes, but for even greater security, a team of people for this ...

Lida: But...

Aizawa: Don't even start Iida... you can come in.

Izumi, Shoka enter first Katsumi

Aizawa: Introduce yourselves...

Izumi is the first to introduce herself...

Izumi: My name is Izumi Yagi, my quirks are telekinesis and energized lightning, telekinesis allows me to move things with the strength of my mind, already energized lightning allows me to shoot energy beams that cause a lot of damage to what they catch, I really like it from my brother, sweets, from Katsudon, analyzing quirks, I hate two people in this room from the bottom of my soul.

Katsumi: My name is Katsumi Bakugou, my quirks are explosion and vacuum, my first quirk is exactly the same as Katsuki's, my second quirk allows me to create points where there is no oxygen, I like spicy food, from Icchan, just like Izumi hate from the bottom of my soul two people here.

Shoka: My name is Shoka Todoroki, my quirks are strong ice weak fire and earth and water manipulation, the names are self explanatory so I won't go into details, I like Zuzu's cold soba, and I hate it the same as my two friends...

??? (red haired boy): Why exactly did you guys become villains?

Katsumi: Why don't you ask Katsuki and Shoto?

??? (red haired boy): What does that mean?

Katsumi: Long story short, we were used by these two, they hurt the person we love most in this world and tricked us into doing the same, we thought Katsuki had killed that person, we just learned that that person was alive when she reappeared at USJ and gave us a chance to improve... and here we are...

Everyone was looking at Katsuki with a look of contempt...

Aizawa: But well, it's not just that, also like I said a team of people will help with that... now you guys out there can come and introduce yourself

Alice: My name is Alice Tanaka, codename: Crimson Queen, my quirk allows me to create fire in my hands or create waves of fire, I like my Izu-chan a lot, sweets, having fun, I also like games, I hate Shoto, Katsuki, Izu-chan's parents and my old family.

Mauro: My name is Mauro Hohenheim, code name: Supernova, my quirk allows me to use light as a weapon, in short I can shoot rays of light or make something collapse, exploding this thing, I like weapons a lot, since I was a child I have been taught to use, I really like my family, friends, I hate arrogant people who think they are above the consequences and mainly I hate being teased or underestimated.

Ivan: My name is Ivan Ivanov, code name: Ink, my quirk allows me to create ink and use it in different ways, I can also stretch my body with ink, I like to draw, be creative, I love art, old 

drawings, I hate the current designs that lost the essence of what they were, arrogant people and vandals.

Izuku: My name is Izuku, codename: Reaper, my quirk allows me to manifest a dark and thick mist that only dissipates when I want it, also transform into it, from that mist I can create weapons, I love my new family, my queen crimson, I'm reconciling with the three that came forward first, I also love Katsudon, analyzing quirks, I hate my old family, Shoto and Katsuki.

Then the class introduces itself to the staff and after talking for a while..

Mina: I don't know how Katsuki and Shoto were allowed to enter the UA.

Izuku: I think it was because of me, I asked in a letter not to ban them from taking the UA test, but from what I heard any slip they make, they can be expelled...

Mina: At least, those two are almost as annoying as Iida...

Iida: Hey!

Mina: Everyone here knows I'm telling the truth.

The class: Yes.

Kyoka: Something caught my attention... Alice, are you and Izuku dating?

Alice: Yes, it's been almost a year since we've been together.

Katsumi/Shoka (thinking): Is it too late?

Izumi (thinking): It was wrong to like him before, now it's even more...

(sorry for the repeated and short chapter but I needed to do it and I didn't have many ideas)

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