Chapter 15

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"Ain't much," he said. "But it's dry. Back here are the cells."

He led her through a doorway. There were two cells. One was occupied by a large bundle of blankets piled on a cot next to the far wall.

"Don't mind your roommate," said the deputy. "He's only here for the night sleeping off a bender."

He led her into the cell.

"Blankets are clean. I'll leave the door open for you. Breakfast is early, and it's not bad. You sleep tight."

He turned and left. Lori looked around.


It was the only word that came to mind. She sighed. This was not what she'd hoped for.

She settled down on the cot and pulled the blanket around her shoulders. The bundle of blankets in the next cell stirred. A sick feeling of fear stabbed her in the chest. She watched as the blankets rose from the cot, and the man beneath them sat up.

In Hell: When Love Kills  A Small Town MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now