Chapter Thirty Nine

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The hour was finally upon them. It was time for Valentina to start pushing and Billy was by her side in the delivery room, after a long labor, and a lot of waiting. Checking his watch, he noticed that it was his birthday. Baby Russo was about to be born on his birthday and he couldn't be more excited.

The doctors wash up and get their gloves ready and offer a change of clothes to Billy so he could join them. Billy quickly agrees and steps into the bathroom and throws on his hospital gown, hat and gloves, then rejoins the doctors.

Billy situates himself at the head next to Valentina and kisses her head, as the doctor begins the instructions.

"Alright Valentina, I need you to try and relax for me and take some deep breaths." The doctor states.

Valentina nods, taking a few deep breaths and begins to push, squeezing Billy's hand.

"She's pushing but not hard enough." The nurse says to the doctor after a few minutes. "Valentina, we need you to really push for us here."

"Billy, I-I can't do this." Valentina whimpers as she struggles to push.

"Yes you can Valentina," Billy encourages. "Take your deep breathes and push hard. Give them everything you got. Don't hold back."

Valentina nods and begins to push really hard this time.

"That's my girl!" Billy encourages. "There's my strong girl!"

"I see a head!" The doctor states. "Keep pushing."

Valentina nods, as Billy dabs her sweat with a towel, while Valentinas' cries grow louder the harder she pushes.

"You got this Valentina," Billy coos as Valentina pauses to catch her breath. "You're getting close."

Valentina nods and begins to push again.

"We have shoulders! Almost there!" The doctor encourages.

After a few more cries and a few pushes later, Brielle Rose Russo had arrived. They waited for the cry and after a few more seconds, Brielle began to cry, letting the world know that she was alive and well.

Billy kissed Valentina's head, watching the doctors gently wrap up Brielle and clean her up then weigh her.

"7lbs, 6oz. 19 in. Long." The nurse states as they log the information in the chart. "We're going to wheel your wife into the recovery room Mr. Russo, I think it's time you tell the family."

Billy nods and steps out of the delivery room, discarding the hat, gown, gloves and mask in the bin beside him. Taking off down the hall to the waiting room of the hospital, Billy pushes the door open and everyone stands.

"She's here! She's here! Brielle Rose is here! All 10 fingers and toes!" Billy exclaims excitedly.

Catherine rushes over and hugs Billy first as Amber, Zander and Evan cheer in excitement.

"You're going to make a fantastic father Billy," Catherine states, pulling back to look at him. "I know you are."

"Thank you so much." He breathes out then smiles at her.

Zander hugged Billy next. "Congrats Billy!" Zander states, patting Billy on the back.

"Thanks Zander," He breathes out. "Might have you hold on to the reigns of the company for a few weeks or so, just to make sure the baby is doing well before I return."

"No rush Billy," Zander reassures him. "Anvil is in good hands."

Billy nods. "I see that." Billy's attention shifts to Amber who threw her arms around his neck.

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