Chapter Forty Seven

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December was notorious for its biting winds, frigid temperatures, with the occasional snowfall, that would blanket the city of New York. Billy couldn't believe how quickly time seemed to pass since Thanksgiving and how Christmas was knocking at his door. Having all his Christmas shopping done and nestled under Catherine's tree, there was one more thing he was looking into for Valentina for their Anniversary.

Billy strolls into a jewelry shop that was around the corner from his office, to pick up his custom family necklace. Each little person had their birthstone: his and Brielle's being peridot, and Valentina's diamond for April. "Its perfect. Thank you so much Juliet." Billy compliments as the woman behind the counter closes the necklace box, then puts it back in the bag with tissue paper.

"Of course Mr. Russo. Have a Happy Anniversary." She responds then smiles at him.

"Thank you so much." Billy grabs the bag then leaves.

Feeling the holiday spirit, Billy decided to release everyone for the Holiday early at 1pm, so they could do Christmas Shopping if need be. Speaking of shopping, Valentina and Billy went all out on essentials for Brielle, after Valentina came to the agreement on things she needed, not unnecessary things that would collect dust. Okay so maybe they got her a new stuffed animal to add to her collection, but Billy was serious on not wanting to totally spoil her, because after the New Year, Billy had another surprise for them.

Making the drive home, Billy had an incoming call from Evan about the Anniversary trip. Essentially everyone but Valentina and Amber know what the surprise is, because Billy had a feeling Amber would let it slip to his wife, and he couldn't have that.

"Everything is all taken care of Evan. The only thing you need to do is pack your bag and show up to the airport, and then the fun will begin."

"I can't thank you enough Billy, truly. You've done so much for us as a family and Sarah's sorry she won't be able to make it. Her family wanted her to spend it with them." Evan explains.

"No need to apologize, I get it. I wanted to extend the invitation to her just in case. She's a lovely girl that Sarah."

Evan hums. "She is indeed and if what she said at Thanksgiving bothered you, or was an overstep."

"Stop." Billy interrupts. "It was not an overstep by any means Evan. Everyone in our family knows my past and sometimes its still hard to admit the ugly parts about yourself that you try to forget, but that past shaped me into being a better man. Without it, I wouldn't be here married to your sister and with the most beautiful baby girl. It was a choice I needed to make for myself to ensure I had a better future. You get what I'm saying?"

"I do. I'll see you soon."

"See you." Billy hangs up the call and it was just him and his Christmas tunes. God when did he turn into the guy that loves Christmas? Oh yeah. Valentina!

Billy loved nothing more than to see Valentina step outside with Brielle on his hip to greet him, whenever he returned home from work. He also couldn't believe that Brielle was encroaching on 4 months! God where has the time gone? After he cut the engine and unfastens, Billy opens the middle console and stashes the gift for the time being, before leaving the car to greet his family.

"There's my little Rose!" Billy beams scooping up Brielle from his wife's arms.

"Another name?" Valentina giggles.

"I think I'm liking this better than Dove. That wasn't working out." Billy admits, then kisses her head.

Valentina rolls her eyes. "Come on you! We can watch Christmas movies now that you're off work early."

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