Chapter Sixty Three

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"We found something on Jason and by the looks of it, it could be detrimental to the firm." Billy states addressing his family.

"How detrimental are we talking?" Amber wonders.

Billy sighs deeply. "It's the wildest thing I've ever discovered about someone, but I have a feeling Valentina wouldn't believe me if I told her and I feel I shouldn't be the one to tell you."

Valentina knits her brow. "You think Jason would tell me himself?"

"I'll confront him with what I know and give him the option to tell you himself. Don't worry, I'll do it carefully and not shove him against the wall."

Valentina laughs. "Will it ruin the company?"

Billy became thoughtful. "It won't be a good look I can tell  you that, but no I don't think it will ruin the company financially."

Valentinas attention shifts to Zander, Billy's second in command. "Zander?"

"Your husband is correct, it won't ruin the company financially, but it will make people question the kind of people Billy recruits or comes to him." Zander explains.

Valentina sighs deeply. "Get it done, gently not forcefully you three. I want to hear it from him please."

Billy nods. "We'll do what we can gently."

The next day after having breakfast with his girls, Billy went into work dressed in Valentinas' favorite blue suit to meet with Jason and ask him if he would be willing to tell Valentina himself. Jason was wearing a black suit with a white button down no tie when they met in the conference room to discuss what Billy had discovered, carefully.

"I know about your dealings with the Russian mafia Jason, do you have any idea how dangerous this is for me and the company, not to mention my family?" Billy states soft yet authoritative. "There are consequences when you leave those ranks, even for lower level members."

Jason sighs deeply, running a hand through his hair. "I know, trust me I know. The Russian's will try to kill me for defecting and leaving them, and I don't really want to die at the hands of the mafia."

"Why did you join, if you don't mind me asking?" Billy wonders.

Jason sits back in his chair. "After Valentina's father fired me, I left to visit my family in the U.K. my mother is a former British model, my dad Chinese/Singaporean and I lived in the U.K. for a few months. I don't really recall how it happened, some guy with a thick Russian accent saw me fighting MMA and asked me if I wanted to join them, that they would make me the best fighter. I didn't know joining them would mean I was joining the Mafia Billy, truly. All I wanted to do was fight and make money to support myself and my family and once you're in the mafia, you can't leave. I tried desperately to flee countless times over the past two years, but they somehow always found me until now."

"How did you escape and end up back in New York?" Billy questions.

"I found a demolitions man that made me a very potent sedative that I put in their drinks that would knock them out for a couple of hours. Once they were out cold, I escaped with a few necessities in my duffle bag and my passport, making my way back to the States. I kept up with Valentina from a distance hoping you could help me out of this predicament."

Billy sighs deeply. "I've never dealt with the Mafia, or anyone affiliated in the Mafia, but I'm going to do my best to get you out of this with my resources. Since you worked closely with my wife in the past, I would feel guilty if anything bad happened to you and I didn't try. There is one person on my team that is the best interrogator I have, worked with Scotland Yard for a long time and a green beret. He's the closest person I can think of that could figure out how to go up against the Mafia."

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