Chapter Sixty-Six

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Authors Note: This will be my last chapter in the Bodyguard book series. To those who have supported my book from the beginning and gave me ideas, I couldn't have done this book without you. To Ben Barnes thank you for being the perfect muse for this book series and allowing me to create a new Billy, but pay homage to the one you created. I had so much fun writing this and dreaming up this new Billy that I hope you see this and enjoy reading this book, I will do my very best in making this chapter the very best it can be and end the book on a great note. Without further adieu, the final Chapter.

Valentina went above deck to take in the scenic view of the Amalfi Coast a boat ride Billy had arranged for the entire family. In typical Billy fashion, he was able to surprise the entire family to Italy for the Summer, despite Valentina being nosy that day when she said they had lunch plans at the firm. The ocean breeze made Valentina's hair dance, and she couldn't help but laugh as she grabs a hair-tie from her wrist to throw her hair up in a ponytail. Billy joins her with Brielle on his hip, so they could enjoy the view with her.

"You, are a wonder you know that?"

Billy chuckles. "In what regard?"

"You never cease to amaze me and somehow manage to surprise me at every turn." Valentina explains.

Billy playfully rolls his eyes. "I've had some practice and like I said from the beginning, I'm in this for the long haul."

"Well I'm glad you never gave up with pursuing me." Valentina admits.

"You caused my heart to skip a beat the day we met and it had been a long time since I felt that. I never felt that love at first sight type of feeling, nor the fact that I would marry you in a heartbeat. You were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, the one I wanted to tell my dreams to, my fears to and build this family together. This right here," Billy gestures between them. "Was something I dreamt of and I knew it required a lot of work. I know you know I wasn't fond of the idea of settling down, and I preferred quantity over quality, so much so I wanted to share the wealth. After I broke up with Dinah I hated who I had become, and I think that was my conscience kicking in telling me how I was living was wrong. When we met, something shifted inside me in addition to the love at first sight and marrying you, that if I wanted any chance in marrying you, my old ways weren't going to cut it. You knew that when you asked me how I would go about flirting with a girl."

Valentina smiles. "I remember that day as if it was yesterday."

"Hey Russo," Valentina asked back home from the Gala.

"Yes sweetheart?" Billy smiles kissing her head.

"How would you go about charming a lady? In a way that's the total opposite of you?"

Billy thinks about that for a moment before guiding her to her piano that was nestled underneath the stairs. Valentina sat beside him as he began to play. "I didn't know you could play," Valentina breathes out.

"You're the first person I've ever played for." He confesses before playing Border Song by Elton John for her.

"Holy Moses I have been removed

I have seen the specter he has been here too

Distant cousin from down the line

Brand of people who ain't my kind

Holy Moses I have been removed."

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