"Not sure why this has happen"

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A/N: Happy Memorial Day everyone! Hope this chapter will lift y'all's souls and remind ya of the soldiers who fought for this country and love your folks. Enjoy the chapter!

This was not good for Rainbow Dash. But frankly, she just doesn't understand. They took every little piece of her mane by force and took her somewhere. She had no clue cause they had to gag her and made her black out for probably an hour.
When she woke up, she found herself in a chain that was wrapped around her waist and wings so she couldn't escape. She saw the room being a sewer some it stink, there was little puddles of water every where, and a bone fish laying dead.
This isn't good.
"You won't get away with this Caballeron!" She yelled, knowing he might be there. "Daring Do will stop you for sure!"
She heard laughter come and saw the pony come upon her with an evil smirk. In his hoof was a scientific tube that had the little different colors of her mane. "You poor child. I will miss you lack of humor. You're more like her than me I see."
"Who are you talking about?"
He only smiled and had his other hoof on a lever than remain next to him. "Have a nice swim dear." Then he pushed it down and ran out closing the manhole.
Soon, Rainbow Dash saw green water appear from the tunes of the sewer. This situation wasn't good.
She looked round for an escape, but then she saw a sign and knew she was in danger. It says, that she has to be six feet tall to survive this sewer.
Uh oh...

It took their time since Daring Do was so use to being on land than the sky, but they found the fortress of Ahuizotl. She hasn't been since the last time she was with these ponies.
"We're here!" Pinkie cheered.
"What do we do now?" Rarity asked.
"We need to get into the fortress without those guards watching." Daring pointed to the Indian ponies who remain there.
But then Twilight smiled and said "And I know the pony for the job." Then she took a glance at Rarity as she smiled huge.

Ahuizotl was tired of waiting. Sitting on his throne doesn't mean he'll be the tallest ruler ever. He was about to leave with the rings but luckily Caballeron came in with the tube.
"You have every piece?" He asked standing up
"It was by force," but then he had the the of hairs in his mouth. "But we got it."
Ahuizotl grabbed it by his hand tail looked up at the rings. He laughed in victory. "Now I will be the tallest ruler of all in Equestria!" Then he looked down at the hench ponies and Caballeron. "And soon for you all to be reaching for your reward."
They smiled, knowing they deserve whatever is coming to them.

The Indian ponies had serious faces on and know there couldn't be anything to distract them. They felt true bravery on their side.
Suddenly, they saw a white unicorn with her mane being curly and purple looking beautiful. "Oh boys." She called getting their attention.
She then used her hoof to move her hair back and showed the cutest face any pony could make.
They were was head over heels and ran toward her with beating hearts.
"Oh why you boys are so kind." She said feeling admire.
Luckily with her distraction, the ponies were able to make it into the fortress without either guard noticing.
Daring Do and Twilight were the last ones out and looked back to see if their plan was working. They smiled happy they succeed. "Knew Rarity was good for the job."
"Now let's separate and search."
The ponies nodded and began to run, searching for their friend, but also an escape route.
Daring Do went down to the left hallway which was a little long and went to the other left, hoping she'll make it.

The water was so high and Rainbow Dash thought breaking the chain with her teeth would work. But it only caused more pain on her.
She lost breath as she remain underwater and immediately swam up to get more air as it was reaching higher.
"Help!" She coughed. "Some pony help me!"

Daring Do could hear these screams and cries for help. She kept listening and heard coughing for air. When she heard the word help, she realized who needed her help.
"Where are you?!" She yelled and ran towards where she thinks she knows, kept on listening to the voice.
"Help me!"
"I'm coming!" She hoped in her heart she wasn't too late.

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