"You're not alone"

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A/N: not much but I got to update a little more. Hope you guys like the chapter more. Enjoy my viewers!

"Well?! Why did it stop?"
Caballeron seemed very nervous to tell Ahuizotl the truth. He wasn't even sure if he was being honest with himself. "Well, it seems it wasn't enough."
"What do you mean it wasn't enough?"
"Seem we would need more mane to over power-"
"*ROAR!*" Ahuizotl seemed to lose it. His plan was failing and Daring Do couldn't be any happier.
But then she looked at Rainbow Dash as she remain standing next to her watching Ahuizotl. It was so strange how her mane was actually working almost but it wasn't enough power. It was impossible. There could be no other pony who could have the power. Unless...
"We have to get that life crystal." Twilight said.
And with it being said, Rarity used her magic to grab the life crystal, but then Ahuizotl grabbed it with his hand and growled.
The Indian ponies continued to fight. When Ahuizotl took a glance of Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Daring Do fighting together, he knew what to do.
He used his hand tail and reach down to grabbed the waist of Rainbow Dash holding down her wings. By then he lifted her.
"Hey! Let me go!"
"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight saw her friend be kidnap from Ahuizotl.
Caballeron and Daring Do saw this happen and watched him out her inside the large tube under the life crystal and ontop of the rings.
Caballeron ran to Ahuizotl and yelled "What are you doing?!"
"What I should have done! I'm gonna rule the world!" He laugh evilly.
"You promised-"
"Promises are for soft fathers like yourselves. I need all the power I can get and no pony will stand in my way!"
Suddenly, a glow was being made into the air. Where Rainbow Dash was, her mane was starting to glow as the life crystal was shining from the sun onto her mane. Then out came a beautiful and sparkly rainbow and it shine to hit the sun. As it was, the sun started to shine more than ever.
This was not good.
Rainbow Dash didn't look pretty good. She started to look pretty sick, but also in pain. Her mane began to turn into gray on the red part of her mane. It seem to be working.
"We gotta get her out of there!" Twilight said.
"You help your friends. I'll get Rainbow Dash." Daring Do said as she flew up to Rainbow to try and get the tube off.
It is not easy.
The tube was heavy. It may be glass, but it felt like a bolder. Daring Do did everything she can to get it off, but she was not strong enough. Which scared her. Rainbow's orange mane was starting to turn gray and so was the yellow. Now she was more than scared.
"Don't worry Rainbow." Daring Do said. "I'll get you out. Just fight it."
Rainbow groaned. "I don't feel so good."
"Just hang in there." She kept using all her might.
Her mane was losing color and so was her coat. Her coat was turning blue to light brownish. She looked like she was sick.
Daring Do continued to pull the tube while the ponies were fighting. She knows she can't do this on her own but does she have a better plan?
Suddenly, the tube got lighter and easy for her to pull up. Weird that it was not like this before. She also began to realize it was also getting pulled up. She looked and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw dr. Caballeron helping.
"You can fly you know." He grunted.
She smiled, glad he wanted to help. Then she started to flap her wings finally and they both were lifting the tube off Rainbow.
Rainbow's mane was still losing color. She lost all her colors and her tail was losing it's colors too. Her coat was still changing to a weird color. She lost every color she's ever had. All she had left were her magenta eyes.
They threw the tub off making a loud glass breaking. The two adult ponies looked at Rainbow and saw her passed out. Caballeron grabbed Rainbow and lift to see her if she was still alive. She was still out. "Please speak to me Amazia!"
Daring Do was surprise to see Caballeron worried. He's never been worried before. It was surprising, and yet, impressive and sweet.
The rainbow colors went to sun and the life crystal fell to the ground. The colors spread to the sun and was making a very powerful force. Ahuizotl laugh as he believe he won victory. The ponies saw his victory about to began.
Daring Do didn't care about his victory at the moment. She was scared that Rainbow could be...
"Amazia please!" Caballeron said.
Still Rainbow gave no response.
"Caballeron. She's not Amazia." Daring said emotionless.
"How can you say that?"
"What proof do you have she's her?"
"She's just like you. Loyal, helpful, caring, but most of all, beautiful. She needs help Daring Do."
"She's not Amazia. Just a cause she looks just like her, it doesn't meant... It could possibly..." She started to see Caballeron's point. She did look like her when she had her colors, and she does have her hairstyle, and she does have her magenta eyes. She felt her wart skip a beat.
"Daring Do, open your eyes." Caballeron said. "This is our baby."
Daring Do felt her eyes water. There just couldn't be any way this was her. How could she have found her?
She made a tear fall on Rainbow's cheek and grabbed her to give her a hug. "Oh my gosh. My baby." She sobbed holding her.
Rainbow may not be hearing this, but that tear drop falling to her cheek was a sign.

(Rainbow's head...)

Rainbow began to have a weird dream. It wasn't like any other dream. She saw nothing but the memories she had with Daring Do when she and her friends discovered she was A.K. Yearling.
She heard a lovely sing "you're not alone. There is more to this I know."
It continued to sing but Rainbow saw how she beg for Daring Do to let her help and to stop Caballeron from trying to give Ahuizotl the ring.
She then saw some weird memories of Daring Do with a filly that looked just like her when she was young. Which was weird. Rainbow looked exactly like that at a young age.
She found herself standing in a dark room. There was nothing around her.
"Hello?" She echoed.
Suddenly, she saw a golden mirror stand on it's own. She walked towards, thinking nothing was wrong.
She was mistaken.
She saw her reflection look so different. She had no light blue coat. It was only lightest brown. Her mane was no longer the rainbow. It was black and gray. Her only color was her magenta eyes.
"No." She was horrified. "No! This isn't me! This ain't me!"
"Amazia Kate..." A voice said so sudden it literally scared Rainbow.
"Amazia Kate..." It repeated.
She didn't understand. "Who the heck is that?"

A/N: I know worst chapter. I'm just glad I got update. I'll try to get a better chapter for you guys sometime. Hope this made your day and I'll see you in the next chapter very soon.

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