Chapter 1

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Transfixed a young maiden with long wavy black hair stared out the window. She was in her room and could hear with clarity the battle cries of her neighbors and the screams of the dragons.

Just a normal night on Berk.

Was it absurd that she envies the dragons? Most people saw them as nuisances, but she wanted to fly like them.

Just away from Berk.

Away from a life she didn't choose but had to live it. She sighed and put a bit of hair behind her ear.

Wallow in her misery wouldn't help anyone, she needed to get out and do her job.

Gothi was counting on her.

It just was one of these nights where anything seemed too much.

She wonders sometimes if her best friend felt this hole in his chest too. He may be a born Viking, yet it was clear that in the eyes of the people of Berk and his own father, he was no Viking material.

They put him in the same spot as her the "weird foreign girl".

A knock is heard on her room door and her stepmother, Sigrùn Jonnson, enters her sanctuary from the world.

Under her big belly with her future half-sibling in it, even the proud Viking woman has to gasp for air.

"You should rest.", she says to her stepmother, before she can talk.

"And you should be out helping Gothi with the wounded, Leandra.", reminds her Sigrùn.

"I was on my way."

Not believing it the red-haired woman raises one eyebrow.

"Really? It looks more like you are daydreaming. I swerve to Odin Stoick's boy has you infected with it."

Angry Leandra stands up from her windowsill and grips her pouch, with her ointments and healing herbs in it, slinging it over her shoulder.

"We don't talk about Hiccup! We only seem always to fight when he comes up and frankly it's my free right to be friends with whom I want to be, comprender.", she hisses.

Sigrùr raises her hands in a way to pacify her stepdaughter.

"All right, all right. I won't say a thing. I will go back to bed, your brother is confusing my stomach for a ball. Don't forget to greet your father."

With that Sigrùr waddles away.

"It could be a girl.", Leandra grumbles after her.

She doesn't know if she was heard, but it was important to her to say this. Leandra knows how much her parents want a perfect Viking boy and not another little Spanish senorita like her from her father's first marriage.

It all just sucks.

The black-haired girl goes down the stairs and sees her father stirring the fire in their fireplace.

"Papi.", she calls over to him, already reaching for the door. "I'm off to help Gothi."

"Hasta luego mi amor! And be careful out there."


With that, she steps out and has to dodge already a Gronkel.

Ah yes, nothing better to start her work day!

Ah yes, nothing better to start her work day!

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