Epilogue: The Last Rider and her dragon

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After thinking long and hard I decided to finish Leandra and Starchaser's story.

Leandra in particular became a character I just can't see that she ever would get back to Berk to be with Hiccup after he choose Astrid and Berk over her.

For her, it's clear that she will always be second best to him and she deserves better.

So this is the final chapter of Leandra and Starchaser's story, I will delete My War and Together, we map the world.

I hope you enjoy the Epilogue ^^

I hope you enjoy the Epilogue ^^

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30 years later......

In a little village in China near the Silk Road...

Careful to not wake up her beloved wife Xia, Leandra stood up from their shared bedroll.

Xia just mumbled something, rolling over where Leandra had lied a few seconds ago, enjoying the warmth.

The Spanish woman couldn't help but smile. Xia was still so cute like when they had met as twenty-somethings.

In the corner of the bedroom, her darling Night Fury Starchaser slowly woke up and greeted her with a smile.

Starchser wasn't as young as she was once, her black scales, looked more smoky-black and her golden eyes had darkened with age.

Leandra gently stroked Starchaser's head, feeling grateful for the dragon's companionship all these years. She knew that Xia loved the Night Fury just as much as she did, and it was one of the things that brought them together in the first place.

The black-haired woman tiptoed out of their small bedroom, making her way to the kitchen to start breakfast. She couldn't wait to surprise Xia with her favourite dish, huevos rancheros, her version.

As she cooked, she thought back on all the memories they had made together - travelling the world, adopting children, and building a life filled with love and adventure.

Despite the challenges they had faced as a same-sex couple in some places they had visited, Leandra knew that Xia was worth fighting for. She was her soulmate and best friend, and nothing could ever change that.

As she placed the hot plate of food on their small table, Xia appeared in the doorway with a sleepy smile on her face. "Good morning," she yawned.

"Good morning my love," Leandra replied with a grin. "I made your favourite."

Xia's eyes lit up at the sight of huevos rancheros. "You're amazing," she said before planting a soft kiss on Leandra's lips.

They sat down to eat breakfast together, enjoying each other's company. Starchaser soon joined them and ate her basket full of fish.

After that Leandra and Xia took their morning flight with Starchaser to enjoy the thrill.

Neither of the women would get ever tired of this feeling.

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