Chapter 5

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"Well, we would have thought that the final test to decide who gets to kill the Monstrous Nightmare is between the Hofferson lass and Stoick's boy.", musses Sigrùn. "Aren't you proud of your best friend, Leandra?"

The black-haired girl is with her thoughts else were. She is thinking about Starchaser, Toothless, and worrying about Hiccup.

Like her stepmother said today would decide who would kill the Monstrous Nightmare and since Hiccup and Astrid have been the best recruits it would be decided between them. Since this was Gothi duty, to choose the winner, she gave Leandra today free so she could watch with her parents the final test.

She did so not have a good feeling about this.

She hopes with all her heart that Astrid wins so Hiccup doesn't have to find a way to not kill the Nightmare and at the same time, she doesn't want that Astrid wins, because she would kill the Nightmare without hesitation.

Hiccup and her learnend what wonderful creatures the dragons actually were and non of them deserved to be killed just for sports.

What should they do?

What could they do?

After her father calls her name for the fifth time, she hears him.

The black-haired girl turns blinking to her parents.

Sigrùn holds with a hand her father's arm, while Leandra walks beside them to the Kill Ring.

"What papi?"

"Sigrùn asked you if you are proud of Hiccup."

The familiar anger comes up.

"I was always proud of him.", she nearly growls. "Even before he became a prodigy in Dragon Training. Not my fault no one of you could see or wanted to see it."

Sigrùn gasps and her father says her name in warning.

"Don't make a scene young lady! You know how things are on Berk, accept it."

"I really thought being Gothi's apprentice would help her.", mumbles Sigrùn to her father. "But she still seems to think in your old Spanish way."

"She is a teenager, dear, she just wants to rebel."

Leandra bits her tongue and can taste the cobber of the blood flowing in her mouth.

Oh she wishes she could make a scene, her father and stepmother deserve some cold hard facts, but they are now on the Kill Ring and she also doesn't want to stress out Sigrùn, she is still pregnant.

You don't mess with a pregnant lady.

The little family of three finds a good spot to watch the final test, while Leandra prays under her breath.

She still doesn't know for what exactly, just the best way that no one, human or dragon gets hurt.

Her prayers kinda get answers.

Astrid was ready to kill the Gronkel to prove that she can kill the Nightmare, but Hiccup used before her his scratching technique to calm down the Gronkel.

That Astrid is not amused is an understatement.

Leandra wrinkles her nose at the insults Astrid screams at Hiccup. How can he crush on someone who clearly doesn't think positively in any way of him?

Is he a masochist or what?

But this all gets forgotten when Gothi decides that Hiccup gets to kill the Monstrous Nightmare.

The Spanish girl feels like she is underwater.

She hears the cheers of the crowd muffled.

She sees how Hiccup gets hoisted up in the air misty.

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