Chapter 6

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It was early morning.

Leandra was sitting on a cliffside. Her legs dangling from it, under her the ocean. She swung her legs, watching the ocean under her.

She really should eat something. She would need the energy for the hours-long flight she would take with Starchaser.

If they were lucky, they would only need one to two weeks before they reached the village in Spain where Leandra's Abuela lived.

So why did she just stare at the ocean and didn't do anything?

The black-haired girl closed her eyes, tears flowing down her cheeks.

And she thought she had already cried enough.

Leandra just didn't get how Hiccup could betray their friendship like this! All just for stupid Astrid, who suddenly liked him?

That was fishy.

Either Astrid always liked Hiccup and hide it because it was more important to her to be the perfect Viking girl or she wanted something from him.

Like becoming chieftess.

Else couldn't Leandra explain Astrid's change of mind. You don't go from hating someone else guts to liking them just because they took you on a magical dragon ride.

Anyway, both reasons were so...wrong.

She never cared what others thought of her friendship with Hiccup, he was the only one who was friendly and wanted to get to know her when she and her father were stranded on Berk. Of course, she started to like him too and accept him with her whole heart.

Hiccup was a good person.

She didn't stay friends with Hiccup because she wanted to become chieftess one day, she stayed his friend because she just liked him.

It was simpel like that.

A loud sign leaves her mouth and she wipes her tears away.

God, it sounds like she is in love with Hiccup...but she isn't!

She...she just wanted to stay by his side!

Nothing more.

Yet, he preferred Astrid over herself.

Maybe Leandra put always more into the friendship than Hiccup? He choose Astrid and Berk over her and a life they could live in peace with their dragons.

So deep down he really was a Viking, like he always wished.

Dear lord, she really sounds like a heartbroken lover.

New tears sprung from her eyes. Her head and heart hurt.

Was she maybe a bit too strict with this?

With him?

As a best friend, she should be happy that his crush showed interest in him.

And yet, it didn't sit right with her.

It was all wrong.

But was it wrong because of the reason she thought or was not her on Hiccup's side?

The black-haired girl opens her eyes and stands carefully up.

The wind whips around her, making her long black hair fly and the skirt of her dress ballow.

Under her crash waves against the cliff.

Her sight is directed where Berk is.

"I'm really...a fool.", she mumbles to herself. "Starchaser, girl, let's go!"

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