The Exodus Era

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The epic true final battle between Euphoria and the darkness cost the world so much. The Tree of Feelings was no more and much had to be rebuilt. Euphoria became a guiding light, a centerpiece of this new world as Nightmare and Dream rebuilt the kingdoms but once again under one banner and ruler instead of five.

Code would often visit Euphoria and would just quietly hover in the place of the ruined tree and every time wouldn't get a response but he refused to leave his crush again, to abandon him like he did so long ago.

Many years would pass and the place Euphoria refused to leave became a temple, Dream became the rightful king and Nightmare became the full time mouthpiece for the god who stayed with the mortals, ascending as well to the position as Euphoria's Angel.

The seven Knights who used to serve Euphoria are again out and about and guard the god and angel both of whom rest within the temple.

((More to possibly be added later))

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