Imperium Era

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This takes place long before any of the eras. So little is known about this time period only that this is when the darkness was born.

The darkness is an entity with no physical flesh body but it appears as a shadowy creature that can change form into anything but it usually prefers the form that will bring the most terror to everything around it. This calamity has no positive feelings, no gender and has no regard to anything but itself. If the darkness ever works with you, it has something far greater to obtain than just whatever goal you have. It doesn't care if you're trying to do good through your vile actions, it will seek to consume you and turn you into a puppet/mouthpiece for it.

During this time period of where which almost all the information has been destroyed or lost to time, the darkness was slow to build its' strength. How it came to the power it is known for now that caused the end of so many eras many don't know as those who could have told you are long since dead. But the Imperium Era was war torn, it was a free for all for survival even before the darkness came and began its' conquest of the entire world. It was a drought and famine all in one, there was so little rain and the lands wouldn't provide crops for food and sickness ravaged the tribes constantly.

It was a very sad time for those in this era. Birthrates were already so low but with constant death and disease, it was incredibly dangerous to have children.

Hope and dreams were sucked dry almost in an instant as soon as the darkness became as strong as it did. It preyed on the weak and killed everything it came into contact. Yet...there were still those who had hope.

Maybe it would be enough...

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