
367 15 2

I wake up in an empty space; a void to be exact.

Everything's dark and I can't seem to move my body.

Where the hell am I? I remember riding a train at Chicago and...

Why did I felt like I just... disappeared?

Eh, I'm just probably dreaming right no--wait, I'm sure that you can't even think about dreaming when you're dreaming because it's hard.

Am I having a paralysis or something? Am I in a coma? How can I wake up from this?

Is there someone here? Anyone right beside me at the hospital maybe? Can someone wake me up?

If I'm in a vegetative state right now, then I'm fucked. I'm not gonna last in this goddamn void for at least a month maybe...

Hope I wake up soon enough!

How long has it been?

A year? I don't even care anymore. This is hell right? I'm clearly being punished for my sins.

Damn it, I shouldn't have bullied Jeffrey back at high school man...

But I'm pretty sure he fucking deserved it. Lame-ass dude who doesn't even try--

Ugh, never mind about that. What's done is done. I'm here forever and there's no escape.

Embrace the darkness, and extinguish the light of hope...

I'll probably stop thinking eventually--

"Greetings, soul."



Wait, what do you mean "lost soul?"

Who are you?! Show yourself!

"Behind you."

Behind m-- I can turn around?! I've not been able to tell the directions around me since I arrived here.

---I rotated what's supposed to be my "soul body" towards my back to meet the visitor. It feels so weird to move---

---After turning around, I felt a wave of relief washing me away; seeing a glowing light in a void of darkness after what seemed to be an eternity made me want to ball my eyes out---

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